Category: Fun and Games

  • Thursday 2009-05-28

    1 Thursday 2009-05-28 Hanauma Bay Stamp Overlook of the bay Fish! Oysters (Risa loves them) Chinese steamed snapper Ahi Katsu. This stuff was seriously delicious. Bacon Wrapped Steak. I can not think of a better thing in which to wrap steak. Dinner at 360 on the Rise Chocolate Wontons. Those are some good Wontons. 1.1 […]

  • Awesome Three Wolf Moon Tshirt review at Amazon

    Contrasting reviews I totally need to improve my reviewing skills. These great reviews (the positive and the negative one) and lots of fun. And what a cool shirt.

  • Shamus Young’s PixelCity Screensaver

    Pixel Ctiy: a procedurally generated city screensaver Wireframe mode Colored Block Buildings See all the screenshots of PixelCity that I took. Get the screensaver from Shamus Young’s site. I’m a big fan of Shamus Young’s Twenty Sided Tale blog. It is very well written, generally very interesting, has geeky computer stuff, fun game-related stuff, DRM […]

  • Review of the BBC Series Survivors (2008)

    I recently watched the BBC Series “Survivors”, which is apparently a remake of a 1975 – 1978 British TV show. It came out in 2008 an concerns a virulent flu outbreak that kills off all but about 1% of the population. Put this on the TV and see if you can convince people that it […]

  • My first, and last, Kart Racing Experience

    Dave on the Kart Wait, I what now? I’m a winnar! They were the real winners though So last Sunday the guys at work set up a Kart racing outing. If you drive from Tokyo to Chiba, about an hour and a half from where R. and live, out in the boondocks, you can find […]

  • Sakuracon 2009

    By pure chance our hotel was next to the Seattle Convention Center. The week before was the big comic book convention, ComiCon. The day we left Seattle was the first day of the Sakura-con, an anime-themed convention in Seattle. Apparently. R. and I had a few minutes before leaving, so we popped into the convention […]

  • From SFO to Seattle

    R. and I were in Seattle. Click “read more” to see a bunch of pictures and words about it.     Seattle Space Needle Seattle Public Library, one of my favorite buildings in the city Monorail! I heard it put Ogdenville on the map! You can just make out the bus tunnel out the front […]

  • Dwarf Fortress tutorial

    Dwarf Fortress is a game that I would like to play. I haven’t had time to look into it though, and it looks hard to to learn. When I get a chance, I should check out these Dwarf Fortress tutorials. And set up some machine that can play it. I hope it runs under WINE.

  • Jeff Bezos and Kindle 2 on The Daily Show

    Let’s see the clip. Oh, this isn’t a movie? $79 dollars a year for free shipping? That isn’t free, it’s $79 A YEAR! What is this thing? And that is the last time Jeff will see that kindle… I’m a big fan of The Daily Show. Imagine my surprise when I came home to watch […]

  • Amazon’s Kindle 2

    Not that I’m breaking any news here at all, but Amazon has announced the second version of their ebook reading, the Kindle. It is a nice looking piece of hardware. I actually tested a version of this a few months back when I was in Palo Alto. I really would like to get one of […]