DocFugu’s blog. Fighting games in Japan.

  • A quick update, and get more convenient, Japan!

    Ever since I changed jobs, I’ve been pushing pretty hard to keep up with all my commitments. I’m organizing a track for the NTCIR 7 workshop so after work at my new job, I head home and spend anywhere from two to six hours on NTCIR-related stuff. The big push has been for this week, […]

  • Cramp!

    I was shocked awake at 5am this morning when I got a massive cramp in my right calf. It has been about a year since that happened. It seems like once a year, one of my calves decides to deliver a massive cramp to me, just to keep me on my toes. Ouch! Two hours […]

  • The F1 Grand Prix at the Fuji Motor Speedway

    Mt. Fuji from Fuji Speedway F1 car! Netz Race Lots of flags Opening ceremony taiko F1 Car at the race Lots of people wearing flags too For L.’s birthday a few months ago I got L. and I tickets to the F1 Grand Prix in Japan. I don’t know much about F1 Racing, but I […]

  • Book and Backlog

    I went to America last month, and as usual, I read a storm on the plane. I’ve been meaning to post this for ages, but I’ve been ridiculously busy so I haven’t gotten around to it. I’m finally going to just take some time this morning and post stuff. Space Opera I read the first […]

  • I cast my vote

    I returned home to Tokyo two days ago, Sunday evening. The plane landed at about 4:30pm, and I made it home by about 7:30pm. I was exhausted, but I managed to drag myself over to my parent-in-law’s place for the usual Sunday evening dinner with Grandma-in-law and the family, and L. even showed up (straight […]

  • San Francisco Roundup

    Mom and Dave Mom and Dad It has been a while since my last post. Since then, L. has gone back to Japan, and I’ve been working. On the weekends, I take a quick trip out to visit some family, and then get back to my hotel late Sunday night, and back to work on […]

  • Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist: Some of my faves are on the soundtrack!

    Just saw a commercial for Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist, and was super excited to hear a Bishop Allen song in the commercial. I did a search, and the soundtrack looks awesome: my favorites, Bishop Allen, also my favorites, We Are Scientists, Vampire Weekend (great set a Summer Sonic 2008!), Band of Horses, Modest Mouse, […]

  • Napa Valley Trip

    Trefethen Barrel Room Heating up a balloon Ballooning in Napa Valley Folding up the balloons Last week I packed up a bag, and flew from Tokyo to San Francisco. I’ll be here in CA for about a month for training at my new job. It is really nice to be back in the US after […]

  • How the free ebook “Old Man’s War” sold a bunch of other John Scalzi books

    A while back, I wrote about reading Ebooks on the OLPC. I am really interested in getting myself a Kindle, but until there is a Japanese release I don’t see the point of buying one: the wireless portion won’t work in Japan, and that is a very attractive feature that I would rather not neuter. […]

  • My computer smells funny

    I really don’t like funny smells that come from computer equipment. Read on if you want to hear about power supplies and funny smells.     This morning, I woke up and started working on email in preparation for a long day of weekend work. Instead, after a little while, my desktop computer, a new […]

  • The trials of installing a video card under linux

    For a long time I have been running my home linux machine (Fedora 8) on the built-in video chipset, an Intel GMA3100 that is on the Gigabyte GA-G33M-S2H. It actually has an HDMI connection, which is interesting, but the video capabilities of the part just aren’t that great. I guess the performance is OK, but […]

  • The Crabbing Boat

    I heard about this book sometime last week I think. I’m not sure where, but probably from one of the blogs that I follow. It is a very interesting and curious phenomena: a book written in 1929 becomes suddenly very popular. I’m curious, and thinking about getting a copy. Anyway, first up: an excellent introduction […]

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