DocFugu’s blog. Fighting games in Japan.

  • A relaxing evening on the balcony

    Monorails! Yakata Bune The moon over the cranes of Tokyo Bay Looking towards Sumidagawa Yesterday, for the first time in a long while, the weather cooled down enough in the evening to go outside on our balcony. R. and I live in a small Tokyo condo in a large highrise. We are about halfway up […]

  • Best wishes to Sasha and his family

    I was shocked to hear today that my ex-officemate and friend, Sasha Blair-Goldensohn, was hit by a falling tree branch in a freak accident in Central Park yesterday. I hope for a full recovery.

  • Sigh… But hooray for’s backups!

    So this morning on my Mac started to do strange things, like say “Can’t delete message server does not allow operation (moving to folder “null”)” or something like that. I don’t really remember. Things looked strange too – for some reason my trash can icon for my main email account had turned into a […]

  • Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn Series

    Over the past few weeks, I have been using my OLPC as an ebook reader again. I really like the OLPC as an ebook reader. I did already post a review of Bradon Sanderson’s Mistborn: The Final Empire, which I really liked. I received it as part of the free ebook giveaway which was […]

  • Perl on Mac OSX does not like ~

    This caused me to lose about thirty minutes of my precious “not working, not sleeping” time (currently at about two hours a day.) I was trying to run some file test operations on some files in OSX using Perl (one of the newer ones, 5.10 maybe) that have spaces in their names. In general, I […]

  • OLPC Screen, Mary Lou Jepson keynote

    I have a OLPC, and I really love it. I have been using it a lot lately for ebook reading. The most remarkable feature of the computer is the screen. It is a normal LCD display (a bit lower resolution than the ones that are popular on most computers now) but if you press a […]

  • Stripping DRM from Ebooks

    I found a good post on how to remove DRM from ebooks at They have a link to some python scripts that can remove DRM from some forms of ebooks as long as you know the PID for the book that you bought. This morning I purchased Brandon Sanderson’s “The Well of Ascension”, the […]

  • Review of Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn: The Final Empire

    I got Mistborn: The Final Empire in’s ebook giveaway. I hadn’t heard of Brandon Sanderson before, but I really liked this first book. I read through it in about three or four days, which is pretty good for me because I have not had the time to just read for fun lately. I usually […]

  • Tokyo Giants vs Yakult Swallows and Cosplayers

    Tokyo Dome City Cosplayers Tokyo Dome City Cosplayers Tokyo Dome! At the park Risa and Dave On Sunday, Risa and I met with my friends T. and M. for a Tokyo Giants vs. Yakult Swallows baseball game. T. is a huge Giant’s fan, and I’ve gone with him once a year to see a game. […]

  • Kindle DRM Complaints

    I am really interested in a kindle. I plan to get one as soon as they release a version for Japan. That might be a while, but that is ok, I can wait. The wireless feature is just killer and I would hate to import one and be without it. I am a bit worried […]

  • I hate Fujitsu (AKA upgrading the hard drive on an artificially limited Fujitsu Machine)

    My mother-in-law’s laptop is “broken”. The laptop is a Fujitsu FMV-Biblo MG50S, if you check the page there you will see there are a few others with similar specs. I took a look at it last week. A quick check of the hard drive (first on list of things to check because “I can’t put […]

  • Emacs longlines-mode

    I have been a fan of auto-fill-mode (and flyspell-mode for that matter) for a long time. Unfortunately, when I think about it I much prefer free-flowing text. The problem with auto-fill-mode is that it will throw \n characters into your text file when you need to wrap lines. Most email clients will automatically wrap text, […]

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