DocFugu’s blog. Fighting games in Japan.

  • Movie Reviews: Up and Avatar

    Avatar: a nice sci-fi movie Avatar Na’vi Amazing CGI for humans The annoying floating mountains Grandpa Carl’s flying (in the sky) house A bit before the new year, R. and I went to see the latest Pixar movie, カールじいさんの空飛ぶ家. Simply “Up” in America, and “Grandpa Carl’s flying house” in Japanese. I’ve noticed this trend before […]

  • Lawrence Watt-Evans’ “The Misenchanted Sword”

    Note that I actually purchased the ebook from And it was cheap: about $2 when I got it, but now it is back up to $6 it looks like. Huh. I found this book through Joseph Mallozzi’s blog / book club. It sounded interesting, and I liked that the author took the time to […]

  • 2009 Christmas Dinner at Tateru Yoshino Shiba Park Hotel

    Menu proposé par le chef Rectangulaire Friande betterave, saint-jacques, truffes noir 赤と白と黒の四角い美食家風 Bouillon de faisan et sa garniture 記事のブイヨン仕立て 腿肉のキャベツ包みとクネル Terrine de choux aux truffes noires チリメンキャベツ、フォワグラ、黒トリュフのテリーヌ Poisson-tuile grillée d’écaille sauce beurre d’agrume, avec galette de p.d.t. et truffes 甘鯛のうろこ焼き ブール・アグリュム じゃがいもとトリュフのガレット Noisettes de chevreui á notre façon Rossini 野鹿のロッシニ風 Ou 又は Chapon roti aux truffes, sauce albuféra […]

  • Adventures with Flat Everett

    Flat Everett Goes to Shinjuku Station Flat Everett catches a train Flat Everett catches a train Flat Everett rides in style Flat Everett makes some Santa-style friends Flat Everett meets a sushi Chef Flatt Everett meets my niece Flat Everett is a new friend of ours that arrived in the mail the other day. My […]

  • A Pre-Christmas Dinner

    Let’s bake a pie The pie turned out reasonable This turkey is cooked Let’s make Ambrosia Fruit Salad Holy crap, whipping cream is hard! An improvised double broiler Honey glazed ham going into the oven The main table spread The dessert table I’ve been in Japan for a few years now, and I’ve really enjoyed […]

  • Up next on the ebook reader: Lawrence Watt-Evans “The Misenchanted Sword”

    Lawrence Watt-Evans’ Ethshar book series page. But cheaper at Sadly. Come on Amazon, get some good low-price options going here! I love impulse buying books that can be digitally delivered! Over at Joseph Maolozzi’s blog they did a book-of-the-month club selection of The Misenchanted Sword: A Legend of Ethshar (Legends of Ethshar). I haven’t […]

  • Cooking (Cookies) by the Book

    Dave starts making cookies Gingerbread men A whole mess of cookies Trio of Cookies (alternate title: Cookies three ways) I committed to cooking dinner for my wife and some friends this week. One of the things I want to do is have some traditional Christmas desserts. So I decided to try making some Gingerbread Cookies. […]

  • Foreign takes on Akihabara: fight!

    Go and read this post over at Colony Drop by Sean, and then read the comments. I like Akihabara a lot. The first time I went there was back in the 1989 (I believe) when I came to Japan with my dad. I bought a portable CD player (a ridiculously impossible thing at the time) […]

  • Top Chef: Tuna Sandwich

    Top Chef: Tuna Sandwich I’ve been watching Top Chef season 6 lately. I really enjoy that show. I like eating good food, but I don’t know much about good food. I just like to eat it. I also like to eat bad food, which is great because that is the kind of food that I […]

  • Nick Harkaway’s “The Gone-Away World” and Bich Mihn Nguyen’s “Short Girls”

    Nick Harkaway’s “The Gone-Away World” I picked up this book a while back, and once I started reading it I had a hard time putting it down. This was my first time reading anything by Nick Harkaway, and I found his writing style to be a bit verbose, but very refreshing. The setting is interesting; […]

  • Very interesting Stardock Annual Report

    I like Stardock a lot. They started out as a windows accessory developer, and then branched out into games. Now they are running an online distribution network for games and other stuff called Impulse. Their president, Brad Wardell, seems like a great guy. I bought Galactic Civilizations 2 from them and really enjoy it. (Man, […]

  • Happy 35th!

    Just a quick note (since I have completely been busy with work and more importantly, Fallout 3) that I turn 35 today. It has been 3 years since my 2^5 birthday party in Shibuya (which was lots of fun) and lots has changed since then: – I got married! – I bought a house! – […]

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