What I had for dinner

I made it home an hour earlier than R. today, so I figured I would cook. I do that sometimes. I don’t really know what I’m doing; I just look up whatever it is that I want to eat. Or some close approximation. A few weeks back I decided I wanted pasta with a white sauce. So I tried to make it. It was easier than I expected, and pretty good too. Made for a few more meals at lunch. I’ll do it again some time.

Tonight, for some reason, I really wanted fried rice. So I tried to make a chicken fried rice of some kind. It was pretty random; just bought a few things I liked and threw them together in some way. The main non-chicken things in the chicken fried rice were mushrooms, red peppers, onions, and mirin + soy sauce. Also the egg. Turned out pretty good, and I bet I will get one or two more meals out of that too.

I’m not really a cook, but I love eating. I’ve enjoyed cooking recently, but cutting things up is so annoying. I want a machine that cuts things up for me. Or a better knife. It would be nice if I knew what I was doing, but I keep watching Top Chef and then thinking that I can make delicious food also.







5 responses to “What I had for dinner”

  1. Bill Avatar

    Mirin and soy sauce saved my life when I was in Japan. I had no idea how to cook when I got there and a guy I was training with told me to throw some sesame oil, soy sauce and mirin into a frying pan, then add anything else. Delicious every time.

  2. FuguTabetai Avatar

    I’ll have to try the sesame oil. I’ve done a pretty good job with Mirin (good stuff!) and soy sauce. I also really like butter. You can saute up some mushrooms in butter alone and they are just great.

    Probably not so great for your health though. 😉

  3. Shelia Smithson Avatar

    The soup looks really good and tasty with the chorizo. It
    also is pretty healthy with beans and loads of green

  4. famous painting Avatar

    Too cute article written by a kindred spirit. I also love to cook and very sashtotaka to eat. There should be more such items, so more people would cook at home and will not eat prepared foods!

  5. Gary Richard Avatar

    I tried preparing pasta the first time and what to say any further, I just had a spoon of it and literally threw the entire stuff. It tasted so bad..(might be cause it was plain). That day onwards I never touched it. But now after going through this post, I think of trying it again.caviar

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