Things I’ve been watching on TV

These are things I’ve been watching on TV. I didn’t know much about “How I met your mother”, but I really like Neil Patrick Harris. So I started watching because he’s in it. I have no idea where I started watching from, but I really enjoy the series. Neil Patrick Harris’ character Barney is an extreme caricature, but funny. It also has Alyson Hannigan in it, and I like her a lot too. It has a bit of a preachy quality to it, but is also shockingly touching at times. I think I need to go back to the first season and start watching from the beginning. Also, I want to see if they have it in Japanese ( only has the import version) and check out the dubbing.

The Terminator TV show has been excellent. The second season has started to air, and I’m really looking forward to watching that. I haven’t had the time to watch it yet though. (I probably spend too much time writing pointless blog posts.)

I have also been watching “It’s always sunny in Philadelphia” but honestly it is … a bad series. But I’m somehow hooked on it. It is a low-class sort of humor, written and acted by idiots, idiotically. Slapstick and lowbrow. And yet somehow fascinating. Danny Devito randomly shows up after the first season. It is worth a look, but I can’t explain why I keep watching it.

“Star Wars: The Clone Wars” is surprisingly good. The movie got panned, but I have really been enjoying the TV series. It is an old-school Flash Gordon style serial (that reminds me, I watched the first bit of Sci-Fi’s “Flash Gordon” remake, but stopped because it wasn’t good Sci-Fi, wasn’t good Fantasy, and just generally wasn’t good.) The Clone Wars has some annoying characters, but it does some very interesting things. The first few episodes have annoying characters with bad accents, but get past that (or just skip them) and it is very good. One of the things that I really like about it is that they show things from the point of view of the clones. They also kill them, and don’t just have the clones act like throwaway killable … clones. It would be very interesting if they would look more at the morality of the war, and the war from the point of view of the soldiers (they do this a bit), and the social position of the jedi and power they wield. It could become a really cool sociological study. Also, the space battles are totally cool. I recommend it!

“Flight of the Conchords” is amazing. The second season has just started. I am looking forward to that a lot. I tried to show R. the first episode. She didn’t get it. Although, thinking about it, you really have to be good at English to catch the subtleties. It is hilarious. I’m positive I would not understand the same sort of thing in Japanese.

“Battlestar Galactica” is also excellent. I need to start watching the next season.

Also, I have been watching the new Knight Rider. It is bad. But I still keep watching it. Probably because all the actors are beautiful in it. And the opening theme music is amazing.

Actually, I think I watch too much TV. Man I really miss basketball. I used to be an NBA League Pass subscriber, and I would watch one or two games a day. But now I am lucky to find one game every other month or so.







3 responses to “Things I’ve been watching on TV”

  1. Alex Avatar

    My American TV list, all of which I recommend even if the shows are corny:

    The Office (Awesome)
    How I Met Your Mother (Barney!)
    LOST (I like it because it’s complicated)
    24 (Corny but irresistable)
    Desperate Housewives (Drama queen-ish but amusing)
    Smallville (Corny, but it’s Superman.)
    Medium (Well written)
    Heroes (Predictable, but superheroes are fun)

  2. Fugu Avatar

    Yeah, I’ve been watching Smallville with R. i Japanese. Reading the subtitles has been fun. R. really enjoys it too. I also like Heroes, and we’ve been watching a bit of the Japanese version also. I don’t like 24. I watched the first season, but I generally think that shows like that are doing nothing to further the discussion of an appropriate response to terrorism and scare tactics used in America to further political agendas.

    Actually, I find 24 offensive, despite good friends trying to convince me that it is a more shaded and intelligent series than I give credit. The first season didn’t seem that way, and I do not like the idea of using “the ends justify the means” to fight terrorism. “Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin. Apparently.

  3. Alex Avatar

    I know what you mean about 24, but I watch it for totally different reasons. For example, this season’s president – I’m still feeling around for comparisons between her and President Bush (or basically justifying Bushes “legacy”). The premise is basically “Iraq in Africa”. It’s Fox, so obviously it’s going to be a right-wing show. Still, it’s fun to “see how the other half lives.” Our perceptions of reality are totally different, and 24 is a pretty good way to catch a glimpse of a world where people live in terror instead of hope, and how they try to justify abandoning their own ideals. Plus, it’s a conversation starter with all the hypothetical situations.

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