Running across the Rainbow Bridge

Lately I’ve been running once a week with a running club from work. I was hoping that the once-a-week runs on Friday would motivate me to also run once or twice during the week to make three runs a week. I haven’t been able to run more than once or twice a week because work has been very busy and last weekend I came down with a fever. It was horrible, but after losing my Saturday and Sunday, I managed to recover for work. By Wednesday or Thursday I was ready to start running again, but the timing didn’t work out.

The runner’s club at work planned a jog on Sunday to run across the Bay Bridge. I’ve been wanting to run over the bridge ever since we moved to our new place, because we can see the bridge from our balcony (if you do enough acrobatics to actually twist around an see it.) It looks like a run from my place, up to the bridge, across it and a little loop on Odaiba would be about 17km, so that is maybe a long run I can target for an upcoming weekend.

The run that we did today was really nice. We gathered at the and in English) and headed out for our run. There were five of us, and we took a gentle pace, which was good for me since I didn’t run at all this week. The run through Odaiba was really nice, there were lots of people around, and the running area was very nice. You didn’t have to fight through crowds and there was lots of space. I was excited because I could see my apartment building from Odaiba and the bridge.

The bridge itself was pretty cool. There is a northbound and southbound walking route. Twice over the length of the bridge you have to stop and walk through a building. And take an elevator in one to transfer from the northbound route to the southbound route.

After the run we hit the onsen. I’m not really a huge fan of onsen, although I do like them in general. I just have a hard time staying in a really hot bath for more than fifteen minutes or so. This place is set up to make a nice day trip. You go in there, get a wrist-band with a bar-code, and choose a Yukata to wear. Then you change into your Yukata and head out into the big shopping / eating / gaming section. It is a big themed building with lots of things to do, and lots of things to eat. You can pay for things with the bar-code on your wrist-band that has your key. And you will need it because things are expensive. I had a pretty normal lunch (well, it was more than I needed, but come on I had just run 10km!) and a beer, which came to 2700 yen! That is 1000 yen too many. And the food was completely average. I could have gotten some ice cream for 600 yen too, but I didn’t think it was worth it.

I enjoyed the onsen, but again couldn’t spend too much time in there. There were lots of foreigners in the onsen compared to other places that I’ve gone, probably because this is a really big onsen in Tokyo that is well-known. Also, onsen in Tokyo? Really? Are you saying that there is real natural hot spring water in Tokyo? I know there are lots of places that say they pipe it in from deep underground, but…

After lunch, the five of us went to the outdoor “foot bath” where you could wade around in these hot springs with rocks that is supposed to be good for you if you walk over them, but it was mostly just agony for me. You could also pay 1500 yen for 15 minutes with your feet in the “Doctor Fish” pool, where there are these strange fish that eat the dead skin off of your feet or something. I didn’t think that was worth it either, but it was apparently an interesting experience. Maybe if I go back.

I really enjoyed the “run 10km, then hang out in an onsen for a while” day plan. I don’t think it is something that I will do regularly, but it certainly was something doing once. It would be a lot less fun without the run though I think.







2 responses to “Running across the Rainbow Bridge”

  1. Fugu Avatar

    I just realized, and I thought about this yesterday when I was relaxing in the outdoor hot spring – that I have a mild sunburn on my forehead. I should have worn my running hat! It has been so long since I’ve gone on a daytime run that I totally forgot! I also inconveniently forget that I am an extremely pasty white guy with no tolerance of the hated day star and will get a sunburn at the slightest provocation.

    How did I realize that I have a sunburn? I was reading interesting things on the interwebs this morning (Obama’s science policy, had a good listen on the On Point podcast this morning) and every time I did the “surprised! forehead wrinkle” thing, it hurt!

  2. Swapnil Avatar

    Wow! Amazing photo! Almost doesn’t look real! Thanks for sharing!It has been a grooegus weekend, hasn’t it? I was out on a walk this evening, and stumbled across an unexpected view of Mt. Fuji silhouetted against the sunset. Gorgeous; wish I’d had a decent camera (or even camera phone) to capture that.

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