Traditional First Meal

As with any true Evans Family move, the first meal in my new apartment was an ice cream dinner. The Great Ice Cream Debacle of 1986 (?) is still legendary in my mind. The whole family was moving cross-country, from Los Angelos to Princeton, New Jersey, and had to stay temporarily in the Princeton Scanticon Hotel. Of course, as 13 year old kids, this was just amazing. They had a swimming pool! We could go swimming every night! (Somehow though, our parents didn’t seem as excited by that idea as us kids were.)

Just about the time we got there, it was Alana and my 12th birthday. To celebrate the occasion (and perhaps try to placate the kids a bit, who were very upset at being moved all the way across the country away from all our friends!) Dad got a huge ice cream cake. That was really great, but after a slice or two, even kids start to get sick of ice cream cakes. Also, since we were in a hotel, we had no refrigerator.

Dad was “forced” to eat the remainder of the ice cream cake before it melted. Sometimes being the responsible one is a tough job.

Ever since then ice cream has always been one of the first meals that I have in a new place, even if it is only just a small cup or ice cream sandwich. Ice cream cakes, sandwiches, more types of food should come in ice cream form.

This particular evening I had just finished a beef bowl at a nearby place, and couldn’t resist the Baskin Robbins. I’m positive that that place will be a bad influence on me. It is open until 10pm every night, and I usually make it home before then… Anyway, the ice cream was delicious, and the apartment has been annointed.

Moving into that place has been interesting. I’ve been riding my bike down there two or three times a day since I got the key to drop off small stuff, and I’ve probably only got maybe 5 or 6 trips until I’ve moved everything that I can without a truck. The truck will come on Friday, and hopefully they can get everything else. I’m not sure that the bed will fit because the stair are torturous. I don’t see how they will be able to get the bed up that windy staircase, but I took measurements and at least at all points the bed should fit. I’m just not sure if they will have space to turn the thing at the corners…






One response to “Traditional First Meal”

  1. 弁慶 Avatar

    Your poor dad. He had to suffer because you only ate half of what was on your plate 😛
    Still, I had thomas sweet ice cream last night (for no good reason), and it was good…

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