Review of David Gemmel’s Legend

While I was busy reading and buying the Caine series of books by Michael Stover Amazon recommended that I read David Gemmell’s Legend (Drenai Tales, Book 1), so I added that to my cart to await an opening in my reading schedule.

A few weeks back I started reading Legend, and really enjoyed it. I didn’t think the book was as engaging as the Caine series, but it opens with an interesting concept that I hadn’t read before: what happens to heroes once they are leavig their prime? This was also the first book I’ve read by David Gemmell, and I enjoyed it so I have since picked up another book of his, the later written “prequel” to this book, which describes how Druss, the tititular Legend, becomes a legend. The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend (Drenai Tales, Book 6)

The battle scenes are very good, and the world also seems to have some sort of magic system that is, if not entirely explained, at least internally consistent, and used sparingly enough to make magic feel magical and not everyday and ordinary.

I’m excited about reading more books in this series. It seems like a somewhat confusing set of novels: looking at this list of books in the series they seem to be written at different times in different orders, but it is nice to see I have a new source of fantasy novels to mine.






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