
I’ve been having salad more and more often. I would like to say that it is because I’m on a diet, but more truthfully it is because I’m lazy, and making salad is easy. Also, I don’t like thinking about what to eat. I like having a clear decision. Since thinking about what to eat is often difficult, I just punt on the issue and have something easy like salad. (I love it when I have a big batch of curry at home, and I just eat curry. Then the decision is “what do I pair with the curry tonight?”, which is a much simpler question.)

Anyway, this is what I want to say about salad:

It is amazing how you can eat a lot of salad, and once you have enough, you don’t feel hungry any more. But I still want to eat, because I also don’t feel satisfied! Damn you salad!! Be more satisfying!

Although, I have to admit that when I stop by the local Three F convenience store (I just looked up what that means: Fresh, Foods, Friendly. I especially like question 2 in their FAQ: when do they people at three F sleep? This page must be for kids, because it explains that more than one person works there. ha!) and pick up one of their spicy chicken cutlet things and cut that up into the salad, it is pretty satisfying.

The non-spicy chicken things from other convenience stores are not satisfying though. Probably because they aren’t Fresh, Food, or Friendly.

Anyway, a random salad rant. Tomorrow I’ll go into work and end up with a bento, so maybe I’ll have a random bento rant. Probably not though, because Hokka Hokka Tei bentou are pretty good, and that is what I’m planning on getting…







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