Simple GMAO Tutorial

This is a simple tutorial on how to use GMAO. It is aimed at people who are using GMAO to work on a project hosted on an annotation server (such as

First, be sure that you have set up the options to load the correct XML file and to use the correct annotation server. I won't talk about that here.

Open up to the last page that has been translated, and click on it. We want to create a new page and translate it. To do that, go to the GMAO menu and select "New Page". You should get this confirmation dialog:

Make sure that the page number and image file is correct, and press OK. The new page will appear on the left panel. Select the new page. There are no annotations for the page yet. It should look like this:

Now, using the polygon (or oval or rectangle tools) draw the outline of a bubble that you will translate. With the polygon tool, each click adds a point, and double click to close the polygon. Your page should look something like this while drawing (if you are using the polygon tool):

When you finish drawing the bubble, your page should look like this:

Now we want to add the actual translation to this bubble. Select GMAO->"New Translation" from the menu, or on the Annotation (smaller) window.
(This is the annotation window. Click new Here, or use the "New Translation" menu command.)
Now, you just have to fill in the information for this translation. You should say what language you are entering (usually English), and the Character that is speaking. If GMAO knows the Character name, it will fill in as much as it can. When you have finished entering the translation, press "OK".

When you are done, the translation you entered will be placed in the outline of the bubble that you drew:

Mark the rest of the bubbles in the same way, and when you are ready, click the GMAO->"Send Page to Server" menu item. That will send the page over to the server, where it is saved in a file for this translation. You might also want to save your hard work on your hard drive locally - you can use the File->Save command for that.

That's it!

Last modified: Thu Jan 24 15:33:25 Eastern Standard Time 2002