Category: Travel
From SFO to Seattle
R. and I were in Seattle. Click “read more” to see a bunch of pictures and words about it. Seattle Space Needle Seattle Public Library, one of my favorite buildings in the city Monorail! I heard it put Ogdenville on the map! You can just make out the bus tunnel out the front […]
Back in the USA
I’m back in the USA for three weeks. I flew in yesterday (Saturday) from Tokyo to San Francisco. It was a quick flight, 9 hours. That seems quick to me because usually I fly to New York, which is closer to 14 hours. Anyway, the flight was nice. What was really great is that this […]
A trip Hirosaki in the Winter
Map from Tokyo to Hirosaki Map from Hachinohe to Hirosaki I’m always complaing about how I am busy and don’t have any time. It is true that I am busy, but time is one of those strange things that you can definitely find more of if you have a good reason. Last weekend I took […]
A visit to Kashiwagi Farm and Ooyama Temple
Kashiwagi Farm Lots of Meat! There are cows there too In mid-January R. and I had a party at our apartment. R. wanted to make roast beef for the party, and since we had a rare instance of days off at the same time coming up she thought it would be fun to drive somewhere […]
Napa Valley Trip
Trefethen Barrel Room Heating up a balloon Ballooning in Napa Valley Folding up the balloons Last week I packed up a bag, and flew from Tokyo to San Francisco. I’ll be here in CA for about a month for training at my new job. It is really nice to be back in the US after […]
Conference Honeymoon
After L. and I got married, we took a trip to Morocco for our honeymonn. Actually, I had made a committment a long time before to attend the 2008 LREC Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, so we went together as a kind of honeymoon. It was the best honeymoon conference ever. Read more for notes from […]
The Seven Gods of Happiness New Year Temple Tour
Seven Lucky Gods Stamps Fukurokujyu Ebisu, God of Wealth Bishtyamonten Daikokuten Ebisu Benzaiten Shinagawa Temple The Tokai Seven: like Ocean’s Eleven, but much older. And less criminal. They are both pretty lucky though. The Seven Gods of Happiness represent different types of good fortune, and for some reason in Shinagawa there are seven temples, each […]
Bad Omens
Today started off with a bad omen: I slept in for an entire hour. Usually I’m very good about getting up on time, but I was up a bit late last night. Even though I went home early (home by about 7:45pm) I logged on to some machines at work, and (slowly, while watching House) […]
Overheard at the bar
When she said priori probability, I think she meant a-priori probability … Of course, I have to admit that this bar is the one in the hotel where many attendees of the TREC conference are staying, but still, I think it is a very funny bit of overheard conversation. I kind of like the idea […]
A Quick Trip to the MoMA
I came to New York for a few days for a friends wedding, and while here I stopped by for a brief visit at the Museum of Modern Art. I really enjoy the MoMA, and have visited there often. For the wedding of my friends Ron and Michelle my sisters and I got them a […]