Category: Street Fighter II

  • Thoughts on EVO Japan 2018 from a volunteer

    Table of Contents 1. The Good 2. The Bad 3. The Personal 3.1. Commentators * 3.2. Cosplayers * 3.3. Game players * 3.4. People I didn’t expect to meet * 3.5. I met Seth Killian * 3.6. Super Hype Games * 3.7. Sunday casuals at Esports Square * 3.8. Final words * I’ve been playing […]

  • Fighting game events in Tokyo around the EVO Japan timeframe (that I know of)

    2018 February and March Fighting Game Events in Tokyo I’m super excited for EVO Japan. It will be my first EVO, but I’m not sure that counts. I’ve been living in Japan for the past ten years, and regularly go to the Fighter’s Crossover (that’s the name) Street Fighter V weekly event at E-sports Square […]

  • Tokyo’s Fighter’s Crossover -Akihabara- 100th Anniversary Team Ratio Tournament

    -Fighter’s Crossover- Akihabara is a weekly gathering, usually on Wednesday, at Akihabara’s E-sports Square for Street Fighter V players. It is organized by Kagechhi, and this weekend he ran two tournaments celebrating having held 100 of these locals. The second event on October 29th was a “Ratio” Tournament. You build a team of 2-3 people, […]

  • Tokyo’s Fighter’s Crossover -Akihabara- 100th Anniversary 2-2 Team Tournament

    -Fighter’s Crossover- Akihabara is a weekly gathering, usually on Wednesday, at Akihabara’s E-sports Square for Street Fighter V players. It is organized by Kagechhi, and this weekend he ran two tournaments celebrating having held 100 of these locals. While most people are watching Canada Cup, I thought it would be fun to write up a […]

  • 2017 November 23 Red Bull Tower of Pride SFV Tournament in Tokyo, Japan

    This November, Red Bull is running a very interesting Street Fighter V tournament in Tokyo. The format is unique, and looks like a lot of fun. You can find the website here: but all the information is in Japanese. I’ve translated the details page, and rules and regulations in case anyone is interested. You […]

  • RAGE Volume 4 grand finals

    This weekend (July 10th, 2017) was the RAGE e-sports Street Fighter V grand finals. I didn’t have a chance to go, but am watching it afterwards on I thought I would keep some notes as I watch the archived video. You can sign up for a free account easily enough, and a free […]

  • Tokyo Offline Party 5

    A few months back I went to Tokyo Offline Party 4. Tokyo Offline Party 5 was this weekend, and I wanted to go, but was unable to due to family obligations. What is Tokyo Offline Party? It is an event run by Buttonmashers and Shinobism, Momochi and Chocoblanka’s company. Tokyo Offline Party 5 had a […]

  • Tokyo Offline Party 4, and a bit Itabashi Zangief commentary

    Last weekend I went to the Tokyo Offline Party 4 event at Haruimi Passenger Terminal. I didn’t have a team, so joined two others who needed someone to fill out the 3 vs 3 Street Fighter V team event. I was matched with Eleichi and Ryo, two nice young gentlemen. I had played with Ryo […]

  • Street Fighter V at E-sports Square in Akihabara, Tokyo

    On Wednesday I went to e-sports Square Akihabara for the first time. I’ve been meaning to go for over a year. It is an e-sports Cafe, and every once in a while (once a week?) they run the “Fighter’s Crossover” event. That currently seems to be focused on Street Fighter V, which I enjoy. It […]

  • I really hate Zangief

    Actually, Zangief is totally my favorite character. I love him. This guy apparently doesn’t though. A rap from Balrog / M. Bison’s point of view. Really funny. Man, I want to go play some SF4.