Category: Street Fighter II
What might the Capcom SFV Arcade Cabinet mean for SFV in Japan?
Table of Contents 1. Fighter’s Crossover -Akiba- 2. Studio Sky 3. Red Bull Nakano Gaming Sphere 4. Shot Bar Lucy 5. What new audiences will arcades open up? 6. Non-arcade spaces are appealing to a different demographic as well 7. Final thoughts and a bit on the hardware Capcom announced that they would release an […]
2018 October and November Fighting Game Events in Tokyo
Previous: 2018 August and September Fighting Game Events in Tokyo | 2019 January and February Fighting Game Events in Tokyo and Fukuoka Seems like I’ve gotten into the habit of tracking FGC offline events in the Tokyo area. This isn’t a comprehensive list, but feel free to contact me if you want me to add […]
My comments on the 2018 Japan Premiere and Tokyo Game Show
I was a volunteer for the 2018 Japan Premiere, which was held at the Tokyo Game Show. I took a few pictures, and thought I would write up me experience here. This is more of a personal blog entry than useful information for the FGC, but feel free to keep reading if you want to […]
A series of Momochi Tweets about the 2018 Japan Premiere
At this year’s Japan Premiere 2018 Momochi tweeted a bunch of interesting tweets. I’ve collected and translated them here. English after the embedded tweets. 今回のジャパンプレミアはちょっとバタバタした部分もあるだろうけど個人的には昔懐かしい感じで良かったです。最近の大会(海外含む)は賞金が上がったり規模が大きくなっててそれ自体は良い事だとは思うけど選手や観客の熱量をどこか感じづらくはなってる気がしてた。 — Echo Fox |ももち (@momochi212) September 22, 2018 凄いスピードで業界が成長してる故にちょっとそれに置いてけぼりを感じてる人はいるんじゃないかなと。今回で言うとめちゃくちゃ広い会場というわけではないんだけどそれが良くて、ゲームと人、選手と観客の距離感が良い距離感なんですよね。 — Echo Fox |ももち (@momochi212) September 22, 2018 広い会場で超大型スクリーンでゆったり椅子に座ってっていうのももちろん素敵なんだけど、ギチギチの人混みで人並み掻き分けて自分の見たい試合見たりどこか不自由なんだけどそれが良かったり。選手目線でいうと配信外の試合でも後ろで見てくれる人や応援してくれる人がいるとやっぱり嬉しいよ。 — Echo Fox |ももち (@momochi212) September 22, 2018 参加者、観戦者の方も凄い良くて良い試合をした時はしっかり声を上げたり賞賛してたり、ファンの方々も積極的に好きなプレイヤーにサインや写真を求めてたり、よく例えで海外の大会は〜観客の盛り上がりが凄いんですよ!とか言うけど(ごめんなさい自分もたまに言うw)日本も負けてないなと今回感じた。 — Echo Fox […]
Studio Sky transforms into “Gaming Office Studio Sky”
2018-09-14 at about 2pm JST, Momochi announced that Studio Sky is undergoing a change. Here is a rough translation. スタジオスカイに関してのご報告 — Echo Fox |ももち (@momochi212) September 14, 2018 Studio Sky transforms into “Gaming Office Studio Sky” Studio Sky has been operating as a rental space up until now, but from today we change how we […]
2018 Fall Topanga League Information
Table of Contents 1. What are the rules for Topanga League? 2. Schedule 3. Online Day 1 Results 4. Online Day 2 Results 5. Online Day 3 Results 6. Online Day 4 Results 7. Online Day 5 Results 8. Online Day 6 Results 9. Offline Day 1 Results 10. Offline Day 2 Results The Topanga […]
A report on the signing ceremony for the “Japan and Saudi Arabia eSports Match” agreement. posted an article about a new Japan – Saudia Arabia eSports venture that will take place in January 2019. Ian Walker started an interesting twitter thread about the FGC and taking money from Saudi Arabia. I think he has a good point there, but since this is the second time I’ve seen someone talk […]
2018 August and September Fighting Game Events in Tokyo
Previous: 2018 June and July Tokyo FGC Events| Next Seems like I’ve gotten into the habit of tracking FGC offline events in the Tokyo area. This isn’t a comprehensive list, but feel free to contact me if you want me to add anything. Very generally: On Tuesdays there is a DBFZ, Tekken7, and Soul Caliber […]
Capcom supports SFV as an eSports game in Japan
Table of Contents 1. Capcom eSports Club 2. Street Fighter V AE Rookie’s Caravan 2018 3. Profit sharing deal for SFV streamers on and other OpenRec activity 4. Involvement with the Japan eSports Union (JeSU) 5. Capcom Confidential 6. What could Capcom be doing better? A note on word choice: I used the word […]
Yoshimoto Gaming BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle tournament
The tournament is Single elimination, First to Two, random stage. Loser can change characters. VOD up on youtube, with top 8 beginning from 3:19:50. Teddy Bui had a great comment with the players and timestamps, which I used to put this together. Koji KOG (Waldstein / Tager) was in the tournament, but lost just before […]