Category: NLP related Research

  • Notes from Monday 2007-07-17’s talks at ACL/COLIONG 2006

    Notes from the second machine translation session at COLING/ACL in Sydney Australia. If you aren’t a computational linguist, this will probably not interest you. Even if you are, I am not making any promises… Machine Translation Session I: Combining Arabic Preprocessing Schemes for Statistical Machine Translation Fatiha Sadat, Nizar Habash The presentation was not very […]

  • How to use Excel charts in LaTeX documents on Mac OSX

    I use LaTeX to write most of my research-related papers. I really like LaTeX. I think it has a high learning curve, but it does give very nice results, makes formatting something you don’t have to think about, and is great with references and citations. I love how you can easily re-organize your paper’s structure, […]

  • Visit to Hiroshima City University

    On Wednesday morning I went to Hiroshima City University (広島市立大学) and met with Professor Hidetsugu Nanba (難波 英嗣), and was introduced to Dr. Teruaki Aizawa (相沢 輝昭 先生). I gave my multi-lingual multi-document summarization talk, as well as a brief demo of NewsBlaster and a short talk about graduate student life at Columbia University. Professor […]

  • Lab visit at Mie Daigaku (三重大学)

    Tuesday I visisted Dr. Masui (桝井先生) at Mie Daigaku. He introduced me to Dr. Atsuo Kawai (河合 敦夫 先生) and I was able to see some demonstrations of the research that they are doing. They have some very interesting work on identifying errors in Japanese and English (particles and determiners respectively) and some interesting Q&A […]

  • Kyoto Daigaku, Kinkakuji, back to Tokyo

    On Friday I left the Keihana area and headed to Kyoto to meet with Professor Toru Ishida, whom I was introduced to by Professor Sal Stolfo. Professor Ishida spent some time at Columbia University years ago. We had a nice lunch and talked about the upcoming “Language Grid” project and other things. I should contact […]

  • Talk and interview at ATR

    I gave a talk today at ATR (also in Kyoto) and met with some people there: Dr. Yutaka Sasaki, the head of the Natural Language Processing department. I also spoke briefly with Dr. Eiichiro Sumita, a principal researcher in the NLP group, and I heard about Dr. Kiyonori Ohtake’s work on Japanese paraphrasing / simplification. […]

  • Shinkansen to Kyoto, talk at NTT

    I took the Shinkansen to Kyoto today, from Shin-Yokohama. It took about 20 minutes, not including the ridiculously long time it took me to get to Shin-Yokohama. To get there, I took the Toyokosen to Kikuna from Jiyugaoka, about 25 minutes, then at Kikuna realized that I had forgotten my passport (which I will need […]