FuguTabetai Blog
Some freak magazine
Wednesday 2009-05-20
Tuesday 2009-05-19
Monday 2009-05-18
Sunday 2009-05-17
(Another) Saturday 2009-05-16
Saturday 2009-05-16 Going to Hawaii
Awesome Three Wolf Moon Tshirt review at Amazon
Shamus Young’s PixelCity Screensaver
Review of the BBC Series Survivors (2008)
Setting up an AFP (Apple Filesharing Protocol) on Ubuntu and a Firefly iTunes Media Server
My first, and last, Kart Racing Experience
Esther M. Friesner’s The Sword of Mary: A Sequel
iPhoto 09’s Faces Feature
OSX Password generator script
Sakuracon 2009
Psalms of Herod and Architects of Emortality
From SFO to Seattle
Bishop Allen at the Rickshaw Stop, San Francisco
Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen’s Wheelers
A visit to the National Art Center in Tokyo
Emacs, Japanese, Putty, Windows, and text entry
Apple’s FrontRow
Back in the USA
Review of Charlie Stross’ Atrocity Archives and Glasshouse
Dwarf Fortress tutorial