DocFugu’s blog. Fighting games in Japan.
More earthquakes in Japan
So I’m a bit late on this — I meant to write something last night, but never got around to it — but there was a medium-sized earthquake two nights ago (Wednesday night.) Actually, it was early Thursday morning, at about 1:45am. I was in bed, somewhat asleep, when my dreams started to become strange […]
How I spent my summer vacation
This week was “Golden Week”, a sequence of usually 4 days off at the start of May. This is one of the big holidays in Japan, and people usually have big plans for the break, including overseas travel and the like. The gas prices always seem to go up a bit before Golden Week, and […]
The Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese and Japanese Blog Data
Today I went to a brief introduction talk about the plans to release a corpus of Japanese blog data for research use. The presentation was at the National Institute of Informatics, with a panel of Professor Toukura and Professor Oyama from NII, MAEKAWA Kikuo from The National Institute for Japanese Language, and a representative from […]
First impressions of OSX 10.5 Leopard and Time Capsule
A while ago I bought a 500GB Time Capsule and Leopard at work to use as a backup solution. It took me a while to find the time, but I had a lot of papers to read recently so I installed Leopard and set up the Time Capsule while reading the papers. First off, I’m […]
Just try not to get sick
As of April 1st due to some law changes in Japan many people are changing to a new health insurance plan. I’m also switching plans, either because the type of employment I have has changed, or because of the health change laws – I don’t really know. I saw a story on the news about […]
Good News, Everyone!
I’ve been neglecting this blog a bit lately. I’ve been a bit worried about the personal / public boundaries a bit, but one of the reasons I have a blog (besides the fun part of playing around with blog software on my personal server) is to keep friends and family up to date with that […]
Mail Server downtime
The mail server on was broken for an unknown period of time. I didn’t notice because essentially, once I set up the mail server (postfix) it just worked, and kept on working. I should also take the time to note that, which hosts this server (on a virtual linux system) has been just […]
Tax Time
I don’t know what to think about taxes when one is a resident of a foreign country. I think it is completely reasonable to pay taxes where you live: I am living in Japan, and taking advantage of their infrastructure, so of course I should pay taxes to help defray those costs. I also think […]
Three Cheers for National Health Insurance
I have been extremely sick for the past two days. On Tuesday afternoon, I started to feel bad, a nasty headache, and my joints started to ache. When that happens, I know I’m in for some sort of sickness. I went to work on Wednesday, but started to feel bad again in the afternoon, and […]
Street Fighter IV on Test in Akihabara 2/29 – 3/2
I keep up with a few blogs via Google Reader, and recently came across this entry about Street Fighter IV going on public test (Japanese). I’m a big Street Fighter fan, but pretty much only Super Street Fighter II Turbo or the new mix-and-max Hyper Fighting Anniversary Edition. Great games. (A brief side-note: last night […]
People that are not me
While reading the program for the 2008 International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (it looks like an interesting conference, I wish I was going!) I was surprised to see that I am going, and apparently giving a presentation! Oh wait, no, that is not me. That is another David Evans. A quick search pulled […]
I’ve been having salad more and more often. I would like to say that it is because I’m on a diet, but more truthfully it is because I’m lazy, and making salad is easy. Also, I don’t like thinking about what to eat. I like having a clear decision. Since thinking about what to eat […]
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