DocFugu’s blog. Fighting games in Japan.

  • Electric Sheep Beta playing nice with mplayer and xscreensaver on Fedora 8 Linux

    I’ve been a fan of the Electric Sheep screensaver for a long time, but I haven’t been running it lately. It turns out that there is now a new linux version, so I thought I would try to install it on my home machine running Fedora 8. The source install went great, I already had […]

  • Ebook review: Peter Watts’ Starfish

    Peter Watts: Starfish This book is a 1999 first novel.  It is set primarily deep in the sea, near the volcanic vents where there is strange sealife that glows in the dark and have made other adaptations to the crushing pressure.  At first, I had a really hard time getting into this novel.  I didn’t […]

  • The value of old things

    40 old shirts (T and collared) sold at Bingo’s Jiyugaoka shop. 30 old books (English and Japanese) sold at (of course) Jiyugaoka’s Book Off. Results: ~ 2000 yen. How depressing! My “stuff” is hardly worth anything! The books were the hardest to part with. In the end, I kept my totally awesome leatherbound Hitchhiker’s Guide […]

  • Playing around with the OLPC / XO

    OLPC in closed up mode OLPC in notebook mode Transform into ebook mode! OLPC in Ebook mode My family recently came to Japan to meet my wife and her family, and my dad gave me a great toy: an OLPC / XO laptop that he got through the Give one Get One program. I’m excited […]

  • Ebook Reviews

    Warning: I’ve got more Amazon links on the book covers. I like having little pictures to go with the words though, and this seems like a reasonable way to do it. If you buy stuff from the links maybe I get some money, but since I think that will go to my US address, it […]

  • Asian American comedians on American TV (watched in Asia by an American)

    I really like the internet. Thanks to the Internet, I’m able to keep up on news in the US, and it helps me feel still connected to a culture that I left behind two and a half years ago. (I also make frequent calls home, but that is more a personal than cultural connection.) I […]

  • Japanese Chocolate

    Morinaga Salty Chocolate KitKat Triple Berry As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve been seeing a lot of Salty Chocolate lately. I picked up the Morinaga Salty Chocolate candy the other day. I opened the box, expecting a standard candy bar, but instead I got about eight individually wrapped really small chocolate wafers. They […]

  • Fire Cafe Zero (Zero Sugar)

    Fire Cafe Zero Another new (to me) japanese canned coffee. It was not very sweet, but that is to be expected: it is a Zero Sugar coffee. Still, it wasn’t that bad, and I had no trouble drinking it. I’m not going to buy it again though. 🙂

  • Super cool robot parking systems

    Awesome robot parking L. and I are buying an apartment. I’m really excited about it. One of the things that is way more exciting than it should be to me is the parking system. Our tower has two parking garages that are totally robot garages. We have to apply for a parking space, and we […]

  • Ryusendo Coffee Black

    Ryusendo Black Coffee Georgia Caffé Espresso Yesterday I tried the Ryusendo Black Coffee. It was awful. I should have known; it says right on it “no sugar”, and I like my canned coffees a bit on the sweet side. Still, I had tried another Ryusendo coffee, so I thought I should round out the set. […]

  • Books reviews: The Audacity of Hope and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

    Note: the links to the left are referral based things that might, at some point in the future, make me money somehow. I don’t really care about that, but I couldn’t find any other way to get pictures of the covers to show up (since it looks like they block non-amazon referrers.) Also, in general […]

  • Paying the Tax Man, and stuff around town

    Busy day at the bank Making tatami Meiji salty praline chocolate When I get mail, I usually like to let it sit around and age for a bit, like a nice wine. In all honesty, I only get a few pieces of mail a week, and it is all blindingly obvious what it is just […]

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