DocFugu’s blog. Fighting games in Japan.

  • Credit Crisis Visualized

    The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo. A really nice video visualizing the credit crisis. This American Life has also done three really great podcasts on the credit crisis with the guys from NPR’s Planet Money . Crazy stuff going on out there. Great little explanation in the video though.

  • Goro’s Diner: a Shibuya burger joint

    Goro’s Diner Goro Burger Cakes! Last night I met three friends for dinner at Shibuya. I had heard about Goro’s diner over on tabelog and it looked interesting. An English search turned up

  • A good thing to know…

    Here is something useful for me to know: At home, if I run the stove in toaster mode, the microwave, the heater, the rice cooker, the usual complement of computers, the other usual appliances, and I hit the “bidet” button on the toilet, I can blow the circuit breaker. And it gets *very* dark…

  • Review of David Gemmell’s King Beyond the Gate

    I’ve read three of David Gemmell’s books now, all in the Drenai series. I’ve really enjoyed all three, but so far the first one has been the most impressive. As a debut novel it takes a different look at traditional fantasy (or at least, a new one to me) and is a fun read. The […]

  • Jeff Bezos and Kindle 2 on The Daily Show

    Let’s see the clip. Oh, this isn’t a movie? $79 dollars a year for free shipping? That isn’t free, it’s $79 A YEAR! What is this thing? And that is the last time Jeff will see that kindle… I’m a big fan of The Daily Show. Imagine my surprise when I came home to watch […]

  • A trip Hirosaki in the Winter

    Map from Tokyo to Hirosaki Map from Hachinohe to Hirosaki I’m always complaing about how I am busy and don’t have any time. It is true that I am busy, but time is one of those strange things that you can definitely find more of if you have a good reason. Last weekend I took […]

  • Video cards and linux … again!

    I know I’ve written about this before but video cards and linux are annoying. Actually, I think video cards are just annoying, this doesn’t have much to do with linux at all. They are confusing and hard to get working right. I actually have two video cards floating around here, an NVidia GeForce (uh, let […]

  • Review of Charles Stross’ Halting State

    A while back I read my first Charlie Stross book, Accelerando. I really liked it, so much so that I bought a few more Charlie Stross books. This is the second one that I read. I was hopeful, because the title refers to a classic decision problem that basically asks you to determine whether a […]

  • Amazon’s Kindle 2

    Not that I’m breaking any news here at all, but Amazon has announced the second version of their ebook reading, the Kindle. It is a nice looking piece of hardware. I actually tested a version of this a few months back when I was in Palo Alto. I really would like to get one of […]

  • Game Center CX: So totally nerdy, it has to be Japanese

    Arino-san Arino-san up close. He’s afraid of “the concept of (a) time (limit)!” Game screen shots with little explanations of the game characteristics. In this case, rappelling action is the key to the strategy. A while back I heard about Game Center CX (and an English Wikipedia link also.) It is a TV show that […]

  • Things I’ve been watching on TV

    These are things I’ve been watching on TV. I didn’t know much about “How I met your mother”, but I really like Neil Patrick Harris. So I started watching because he’s in it. I have no idea where I started watching from, but I really enjoy the series. Neil Patrick Harris’ character Barney is an […]

  • Running across the Rainbow Bridge

    Rainbow Odaiba Run, about 10.8km Ooedo Onsen Monogatari It is like a hot springs theme park Choose your Yukata Lots of shops Ninjas! No pirates though. Lots of games and stuff Lots of food: not good, but expensive Lately I’ve been running once a week with a running club from work. I was hoping that […]

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