DocFugu’s blog. Fighting games in Japan.

  • Thursday 2009-05-21

    Moco Loco Moco Loco Dave and Moco Loco After getting the morning stuff done (some coffee and some work) Risa and I headed out to Keoni’s for a brunch. We got Moco Loco, a dish she had heard about and was eager to try. It is basically gravy over eggs over a hamburger over rice. […]

  • Wednesday 2009-05-20

    USS Arizona Memorial Dave and Risa at the USS Bowfin (we didn’t go in though) Alana and Jana in a conning tower USS Arizona USS Arizona USS Arizona After the normal morning work and coffee routine, we finally got moving and headed out to see Alana, Jana, and Dad. The plan: to go to Pearl […]

  • Tuesday 2009-05-19

    Charlie, the cannibalistic IHOP pancake Did some work in the morning, and in the afternoon my family arrived. Dad and both sisters. We met up with them at their hotel and then went to get something to eat. The closest place that I saw on the way in was an IHOP, and since we were […]

  • Monday 2009-05-18

    Spam Musubi: delicious (or so I was told) Riding Horses Riding Horses (in color!) Up early, I did a bit more work. I got some coding done and got a build off an running before rushing out the door – I’m a bit curious to see if it worked, so I hope I can spend […]

  • Sunday 2009-05-17

    No pictures: A pretty uneventful day! Still, imagine the pretty Waikiki beach, a completely pale white guy deathly afraid of a sunburn (so wearing way too much sunblock) and a cute Japanese girl wandering around looking for places to eat and trying to plan the next two weeks. Sunday morning I slept in, and then […]

  • (Another) Saturday 2009-05-16

    Two beds for the newlyweds Awesome view from our balcony Big Wave Beer for Risa. Good stuff. When I had to work, I did a lot of it from the balcony, like this. It was great. I had arranged for a rental car, not a great deal, but a good enough one through National. We […]

  • Saturday 2009-05-16 Going to Hawaii

    These are my notes from our Wedding trip to Hawaii. I plan to post up a blog post for each day and backdate them so they are on the correct date in the calendar. I also notice that I don’t really write interesting posts, and stick mostly with just a “what we did, what we […]

  • Awesome Three Wolf Moon Tshirt review at Amazon

    Contrasting reviews I totally need to improve my reviewing skills. These great reviews (the positive and the negative one) and lots of fun. And what a cool shirt.

  • Shamus Young’s PixelCity Screensaver

    Pixel Ctiy: a procedurally generated city screensaver Wireframe mode Colored Block Buildings See all the screenshots of PixelCity that I took. Get the screensaver from Shamus Young’s site. I’m a big fan of Shamus Young’s Twenty Sided Tale blog. It is very well written, generally very interesting, has geeky computer stuff, fun game-related stuff, DRM […]

  • Review of the BBC Series Survivors (2008)

    I recently watched the BBC Series “Survivors”, which is apparently a remake of a 1975 – 1978 British TV show. It came out in 2008 an concerns a virulent flu outbreak that kills off all but about 1% of the population. Put this on the TV and see if you can convince people that it […]

  • Setting up an AFP (Apple Filesharing Protocol) on Ubuntu and a Firefly iTunes Media Server

    One of the things I’ve been meaning to do for a while is set up my Ubuntu machine to share out the music I have on it. I run Amarok on the machine and love it, but that doesn’t help when I’m super lazy and don’t want to reach over for the linux machine keyboard […]

  • My first, and last, Kart Racing Experience

    Dave on the Kart Wait, I what now? I’m a winnar! They were the real winners though So last Sunday the guys at work set up a Kart racing outing. If you drive from Tokyo to Chiba, about an hour and a half from where R. and live, out in the boondocks, you can find […]

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