DocFugu’s blog. Fighting games in Japan.

  • Setting up Postfix to forward mail to gmail and keep a local copy with LDAP

    Harder than it sounds. I think due to the setup I currently have (which I have not really changed since 2006) this isn’t possible to do without changing my LDAP schema. That sounds like a lot of work, so I think I will just have to set up an alias and ditch the “keep a […]

  • Yum! Grandma coffee

    Grandma’s Coffee Bean Grinder Friday night we had dinner at R.’s grandma’s house because this weekend is our niece’s birthday. She is 2 years old. At dinner, I remembered that I had forgotten to buy more coffee grounds that day, and probably only had enough for only one more day. Well, it isn’t a huge […]

  • Home Owners Association and Fire Walking

    Today was an interesting day. I started the morning off with a 6km jog by the canal, and then got back in time for toast and coffee. It was very rushed though, because from 10:00am today was our first Homeowner’s association meeting. This was the first major meeting of the elected body of representatives in […]

  • Dinner at TY Harbor

    Last night R. and I went to the TY Harbor Brewery at Tennouzu Isle near Shinagawa. I like that place; it has a nice view on the canal, good food, and they brew their own beer. As a bonus, it is only one station away from where we live. So we met with two friends, […]

  • A visit to the family grave

    Tanaka family grave (on left) Tanaka family grave Nezumi Kouzou’s Grave Sumo power grave We are currently in a three-day off period in Japan. That means people are busy going to their ancestral homes and whatnot. R.’s family invited me along with them to go to the family grave at the Eko-in temple in Ryokoku. […]

  • Busy lately, but weather is looking up

    I have been pretty busy lately. I haven’t had much time for reading, or the blog, or translating, or extra-curricular programming. I’ve been getting up at 6am and running most days, and the weather is really great for it now. As long as you avoid the typhoons, it is a bit cool and usually sunny. […]

  • Added a book list on the right

    Added a book list running down the right-hand side of the blog. It is provided by Library Thing but I have also been playing around with’s Reading application. It doesn’t yet seem to provide a nice badge of books that I’ve read recently though. (Neither does Library Thing, I can only order it by […]

  • Mister James, McDonald’s and MOS Buger

    An interesting article on the McDonald’s “Mister James” kerfuffle. Nice video with an alternative view pushing people to Mos Burger.

  • Lev Grossman’s “The Magicians”

    Visit Brakebills College for Magic Last week, I finished Lev Grossman’s “The Magicians”. I have a few things to confess. Well, more than a few, but we will limit things to only relevant confessions for this post. First, I’ve never read any Harry Potter books (wait, what kind of page is that Amazon? I appreciate […]

  • Naoko Ogigami’s “Glasses”

    Or, an English review And the Japanese wikipedia entry So, R. and I watched two movies (three, but I am not counting “A Nightmare Before Christmas”, which we watched while I was working yesterday) this weekend. The first was Kamome Shokudo, directed and written by Naoko Ogigami. I enjoyed it. The second was “Glasses”, also […]

  • 梅はその日の何を逃す

    Remember that. Similar to “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away”, a Plum a Day wards you from the dangers of the day.

  • Kagome Shokudo

    In English: Kamome Shokudo Last night, R. and I sat down to a nice evening movie. We rented a few things at the start of the weekend, and I was actually pretty excited to watch a Japanese-only movie with her, one of her choosing. She chose Kamome Shokudo, a Japanese comedy set in Helsinki. The […]

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