DocFugu’s blog. Fighting games in Japan.

  • RAGE Volume 4 grand finals

    This weekend (July 10th, 2017) was the RAGE e-sports Street Fighter V grand finals. I didn’t have a chance to go, but am watching it afterwards on I thought I would keep some notes as I watch the archived video. You can sign up for a free account easily enough, and a free […]

  • Tokyo Offline Party 5

    A few months back I went to Tokyo Offline Party 4. Tokyo Offline Party 5 was this weekend, and I wanted to go, but was unable to due to family obligations. What is Tokyo Offline Party? It is an event run by Buttonmashers and Shinobism, Momochi and Chocoblanka’s company. Tokyo Offline Party 5 had a […]

  • Tokyo Offline Party 4, and a bit Itabashi Zangief commentary

    Last weekend I went to the Tokyo Offline Party 4 event at Haruimi Passenger Terminal. I didn’t have a team, so joined two others who needed someone to fill out the 3 vs 3 Street Fighter V team event. I was matched with Eleichi and Ryo, two nice young gentlemen. I had played with Ryo […]

  • Amazon cloud drive, photos, rclone, and odrive

    Maybe a year ago or so (I forget when it was announced) Amazon introduced a new program for their Cloud Drive service. It was $12 a year for unlimited photo storage. I thought that was ridiculously cheap, so I signed up. I had some complaints about the service, but nothing major. Mainly, there wasn’t a […]

  • Family trip to Kobe

    Friday, 2016-09-09: Arrival in Japan On September 9th, my father, sister, and her two children arrived in Tokyo for a two week visit. It is rare for family to come all the way to Tokyo, but my dad is going to the International Semiconductor Laser Conference and it is held in Kobe, Japan. Alana and […]

  • Street Fighter V at E-sports Square in Akihabara, Tokyo

    On Wednesday I went to e-sports Square Akihabara for the first time. I’ve been meaning to go for over a year. It is an e-sports Cafe, and every once in a while (once a week?) they run the “Fighter’s Crossover” event. That currently seems to be focused on Street Fighter V, which I enjoy. It […]

  • Using a Japanese Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 with OSX El Capitan

    I recently got a new compute for work. It is a MacBook Pro, and will be replacing a linux desktop I’ve been using. I’ve been a longtime user of a Japanese Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 v1.0 keyboard. I want to keep using this keyboard. Unfortunately, El Capitan doesn’t really recognise the keyboard. It works, […]

  • 2016-02-06 Trip to Sapporo.

    A long time ago, back in October of 2015, I heard that a new Shinkansen was being built that would connect Tokyo to Sapporo. Good news! Actually, reading the information in Wikipedia (hopefully that stays about the same as when I read it) what is opening in March this year is the Shinkansen up to […]

  • 2016 January trip to Nagano

    2016-01-22 Today I took half a day off to pick up Alan early from Daycare so we could meet up with Eric and Claire at Tokyo station. The plan was to go to Nagano, and more specifically Yudanaka. We are staying at the Yamazakiya Ryokan, which is near the Shibu Onsen area. In fact, the […]

  • Packaging up a Java application on OSX with recent versions of Java

    So, I’ve started hacking on a very, very old project of mine that is a Swing-based Java application. I got it running again on OSX but things have changed a lot since I last was doing much coding on it. It used to be that Apple vended Java for OSX, but now Oracle does, and […]

  • Excruciatingly slow Swing performance while loading / painting images on a Macbook Pro Retina 13″ under Java 1.8

    So, in my previous post I mentioned that I was doing some profiling of a Java Swing application. The application was super slow. An operation that used to take less than a second (basically loading an ImageIcon and painting it) would take about three minutes (I timed it) under Java 1.8.0_31 on OSX 10.9.5. It […]

  • Profiling in Java

    I’ve recently started doing some manga translation again, but what that means is that I’ve tried to get my GMAO program running on my newer MacBook. Just trying to run the OSX app that I packaged a few years back brought up a dialog box asking me to install the 1.6 JRE. I don’t really […]

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