Getting Japanese input in UTF8 to work in LaTeX on OSX

I have installed LaTeX via fink, and when writing a paper, came across the problem that Japanese just does not work in my environment. This is a bit of a problem as I’m writing about some analysis of English, Japanese, and Chinese data. So I’m going to try to get Japanese input working in my LaTeX distribution.

latex -version gives me:

$ latex -version
pdfeTeX 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
kpathsea version 3.5.4
Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Peter Breitenlohner (eTeX)/Han The Thanh (pdfTeX).
Kpathsea is copyright (C) 1997-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Following along from

I downloaded both and locally and the font from

I had a really hard time trying to figure out where my latex search paths are. I actually have two; within emacs it is /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/ and in the terminal it is /sw/share/texmf-dist/ and this is probably because I likely have multiple copies of LaTeX installed. One is from fink for sure, the other, well, who knows. Anyway, I also found these directions:

Which look a bit better. I spent about an hour fooling around with kpsewhich and all sorts of crap. In the end I copied the CJK/texinputs directory to both of the MAIN (not local, like I am supposed to) repositories, and I get pretty far. Now I have complaints about fonts: LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `C70/cyberbit/m/n’ undefined

So I will try to install the fonts. This was a major pain. Again, I just installed things in the main directories where they should not go.

I can get past what looks like the main CJK compiling problems, but not when I \usepackage[english]{babel} I get this horrible error message: ERROR: Use of \@citex doesn't match its definition. I don’t know why babel would break citing. A search shows that this is due to a conflict between the ACM style file and babel. They suggest removing the babel package – which is not an option for me.

Switching to a regular \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} makes things work (after removing the other things particular to the ACM style.) Unfortunately, I get a lot of messages about not being able to generate the cyberbit font files, which doesn’t surprise me because my paths are just crazy. I think I’m giving up. Maybe I’ll write the Japanese in romaji. How disappointing.







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