What have we been up to recently?

So, I’ve been neglecting my blog, but finally put some time in over the three day weekend (respect for the Elders day!) (no relation to Cthulhu) and wrote up some stuff. Now to catch us up to the present day (or at least the same week) let’s see some of what has been going on around here lately.

We got Alan a new chair. Something called a Stokke, which apparently is good, and our friends the Evans’ (no relation) have and like. Alan seems to like it.

The other day we took Berry (the family dog) to the groomers. Usually it isn’t too much of a walk, but their place is under renovation so we had to walk a bit farther than normal. On the way there is a shop that has a sign in the window saying that they sell Shinagawa beer. We live in Shinagawa, and I always wondered what that was about. I bought some on the way back. The beer has been in production since 1870 apparently (although I am at a loss as to where.) It was pretty good!

I got some programming done, but it was a bit hard to type with that baby in my arms.

Finally, just yesterday (on Sunday) we went down to Ebisu for the beer festival. It isn’t a festival as much as an outdoor beer hall where they sell only Ebisu beer. They have some food (mostly stuff that goes well with beer) and there was a stamp rally. We went with some friends of ours, Aki and his wife Kiyoko, and after lunch took some time to run the stamp rally. We needed to spend some time while another friend of Lisa’s, Shino, arrived a bit later with her daughter. Come to think of it, does anyone find it odd to bring a young child to a beer festival? It didn’t really strike me as anything unusual, but I’ve been in Japan for so long that I consider that to be a normal occurrence now. There were lots of kids there actually, not even including the two at our table.

On our walk around the area we saw a bit of an actual festival complete with a Tengu. They have long red noses. We also stopped by the Ebisu beer museum (although we didn’t go through it.) The museum looks pretty cool actually, so one of these days we’ll have to try and go back.






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