I’ve been neglecting this blog a bit lately. I’ve been a bit worried about the personal / public boundaries a bit, but one of the reasons I have a blog (besides the fun part of playing around with blog software on my personal server) is to keep friends and family up to date with that is going on in my life.
So I would be remiss if I didn’t write about one of the biggest events in my life to date: two weeks ago, I proposed to my girlfriend, Lisa. I met her almost two years ago (we met at the We Are Scientists concert in Shibuya on May 12th, 2006) and we’ve been dating for about a year and a half. I won’t go into detail here (that whole public / private thing) but Lisa accepted, and we will be getting married!
This year seems like it will be full of big changes. Lisa and I currently in the process of buying an Apartment together in Shinagawa, which will commit me to a mortgage, and through the transitive property of debt, a country for the next many years (where I don’t like to think about how a large a number many is.) We’ve applied for a loan together, and have preliminarily been accepted by at least once bank, so once the apartment is finished (August 15th is the date that it is supposed to be completed) we should be moving in. Hearing all this stuff about the US Subprime Mortgage meltdown is a bit scary, but as far as I can tell they don’t have ARMs here, and the terms of our loan looks quite reasonable — actually cheaper than what I pay now in my rental place.
I’m really excited about life with Lisa though – we’ve been spending a lot of time together over the past year, and she really gets me. She doesn’t mind that I’m nerdy, spend too much time on computers, watch Star Wars, and love some crazy music. She’s got great taste in music herself, and has introduced me to some great bands. She also picked up an extra ticket to Summer Sonic for me too. She’s the best.
Things will probably be super crazy busy for me over the next few months, but I’m also really looking forward to May, when we do the paperwork for the marriage (no time like the present!) and my family (mom, dad, Jana, Alana, and Grandma Bessie) come out to meet Lisa’s family. That should be interesting.
Even though we’re doing the legal paperwork soon, we plan on having a wedding ceremony sometime in the summer of 2009 – probably May 24th, 2009. Also, it is likely that the ceremony will be in Hawaii based on the information Lisa’s been giving me. I really want to have a celebration where friends and family can gather and have a great time together, so I’ll be in touch about that once we firm up our plans.
I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, but am really happy!
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