村上春樹 海辺のカフカ 単語 Murakami Haruki, Kafka by the sea Vocabulary Interesting places: in 世田谷区 カラスヤマ (烏山?) a graveyard? Character names: 佐伯 さえき The proprietor of the library さくら さくら The girl that Tamura Kafka met on the bus, he stayed at her house for one night 田村カフカ たむらカフカ The assumed main character 田村浩一 たむらこういち Kafka's father p1-10 幾分 いくぶん somewhat のっそりとした のっそりとした slowly 素振り そぶり behavior, attitude, manner, bearing | a look, glance, stare, evil eye 隅 すみ a corner 唇 くちびる lips 曲がる まがる to turn, to bend 出所 でどころ the source, origin 回り諄い まわりくどい roundabout 切実に せつじつに earnestly 拝借 はいしゃく to borrow (humble) 重み おもみ weighty, important 雇う やとう to hire, employ 移す うつす to move 何はともあれ なにはともあれ at any rate 控え目 ひかえめ modest, reserved, quiet 書斎 しょさい study (the room) 革 かわ leather 蜂 はち bee 文鎮 ぶんちん paperweight 差す さす to put in, pour in 瞼 まぶた an eyelid 物事 ものごと things 共有 きょうゆう joint ownership, sharing 絶える たえる to die out, to end 局地 きょくち local area summary: We meet our protagonist, a seemingly young man, 15 years old, (not yet graduated high school) who wants to run away from where he is at. His friend (?), "the boy called crow", gives him some advice, and it seems like our protagonist has paid back a large sum of money. The money is clearly from him family somehow, possibly obtained by ill-gotten means. p10-17 真っ当 まっとう right-minded, correct 竜巻 たつまき tornado 風圧 ふうあつ wind pressure 呑み込む のみこむ to swallow 濃い こい thick, deep, dark, strong 入れ墨 いれずみ tattoo 墨 すみ ink 潜り抜ける くぐりぬける to go through, pass through, escape, avoid (the law) 形而上 けいじじょう metaphysical 剃刀 かみそり razor 要点 ようてん the point お伽話し おとぎはなし fairy tale 書斎 しょさい study (the room) 刃先 はさき the edge of a blade 折り畳み おりたたみ folding 剥ぐ はぐ to tear off, to skin (an animal) ずしりと ずしりと heavily 海岸 かいがん seashore 分断 ぶんだん divided 仮面 かめん mask ぶかぶか ぶかぶか loose, baggy 担ぐ かつぐ to bear, to shoulder, to carry 辿り着く たどりつく to arrive at after great struggle summary: He played the "usual game" with the boy called crow, where he imagines a fierce sandstorm that cuts him up. This sandstorm, like fate, follows him and is unaviodable: it is a part of him. He must enter it. The only thing that is sure is that he is not the same person when he comes out as he was as when he went in. He must become the strongest 15 year old ever. He left when he turned 15. He spent a lot of time deciding what to bring. Took his dad's folding knife, a pic of him and his sister from when they were 3 and 9 at the seashore. He didn't remember who took the picture, or even ever going to the shore (or anywhere) with his family. He didn't want his dad to have that picture - his dad destroyed all pictures of his mother. p17 機械 きかい machines (exercise, etc.) 幸運 こううん good luck, luckily 工房 こうぼう a studio 歯並び はならび teeth (row of), smile (e.g., nice, after braces) 清潔 せいけつ clean 敬遠 けいえん to keep at a distance 警戒 けいかい caution, guard, look out, watch out 不愉快 ふゆかい unpleasant 怯える おびえる to be frightened (at) 貪る むさぼる to devour, be greedy for 勧める すすめる to advise 吸収 きゅうしゅう to absorb 海綿 かいめん a sponge 金属 きんぞく a metal 起伏 きふく undulations 抑える おさえる to suppress, control 訓練 くんれん training, drills 蜥蜴 とかげ a lizard p21 summary: Our protagonist trained his body so he would look more like an adult, and paid attention in class, getting good grades. He went to a school for rich boys. He made sure not to let anyone get close to him. The people at the gym even seemed a bit afraid of him. There were times though that people broke through his wall of isolation. 潜む ひそむ to hide oneself 細胞 さいぼう cells (biological) 残酷 ざんこく cruel, cruelty 氾濫 はんらん a flood 喘ぐ あえぐ to pant, gasp 通気口 つうきぐち ventilation shaft; opening 齧り付く かじるつく to cling to 渇く かわく to be thirsty 要素 ようそ an element, a part of 沈黙 ちんもく silence 増水 ぞうすい rising water 標識 しょうしき a sign 洪水 こうずい a flood 石鹸 せっけん soap 清潔 せいけつ clean; cleanness 薄める うすめる to make thin; water down 眉 まゆ eyebrow 抹殺 まっさつ erasure, denial, obliteration, ignoring (an opinion) 追い払う おいはらう to drive away 追放 ついほう to banish p23 装置 そうち a device, a setting 湿る しめる to get damp 漂う ただよう to go here and there; to drift 息吹 いぶき breath よそよそしい よそよそしい distant; cold; formal 中立的 ちゅうりつてき neutral 本土 ほんど mainland 隔てる へだてる shut out; separate 温暖 おんだん mild 車掌 しゃしょう conductor 安物 やすもの cheap 滲む にじむ to run (ink); blot 間隔 かんかく an interval; space Chapter 2 極秘 ごくひ top secret 分類 ぶんるい classification 保管 ほかん charge; custody; safekeeping 閲覧 えつらん to inspect; read 一連 いちれん a series 陸軍 りくぐん the army 指示 しじ directions 実施 じっし enforcement 少尉 しょうい second lieutenant, sublieutenant, ensign 曹長 そうちょう master sergeant, sergeant major (JSDF) 従事 じゅうじ engaging, pursuing, following 一等兵 いっとうへい private (e-2), pfc 応接室 おうせつしつ reception room; parlour 在住 ざいじゅう resident 内務省 ないむしょう prewar Ministry of Home Affairs 所感 しょかん one's impressions 的確 てきかく precise 誠実 せいじつ sincere, faithful 余波 なごり lingering waves 鮮やか あざやか vivid; bright 金属 きんぞく metal 爆撃 ばくげき bombing 警戒 けいかい caution 奇妙 きみょう strange; queer 航空基地 こうくうきち aviation base 編隊 へんたい formation 応召 おうしょう to be called to join the military 火薬 かやく gunpowder 警備 けいび guard 砲撃 ほうげき bombardment 引率 いんそつ to lead 病欠 びょうけつ sick leave 内訳 うちわけ to itemize; break down 疎開 そかい evacuate 水筒 すいとう canteen 山菜 さんさい edible wild plants 農村 のうそん farm village 供出 きょうしゅつ delivery 慢性 まんせい chronic 奨励 しょうれい encouragement 恵まれる めぐまれる to be blessed with 幸運 こううん good luck 飢える うえる to starve; to be hungry 垣根 かきね a fence, a hedge 遠足 えんそく an excursion 椀 わん a bowl 伏せる ふせる to turn down; get down 経過 けいか to pass (time); progress p33 斜面 しゃめん a slope 険しい けわしい steep (hill); severe 穏やか おだやか calm; quiet 親密 しんみつ friendship 徹底 てってい thorough; complete 勘定 かんじょう counting 猛毒 もうどく deadly poison 紛らわしい まぎらわしい misleading 昏睡 こんすい deep sleep まばたき まばたき blink 翳す かざす to hold up over one's head 尋常 じんじょう ordinary 頬 ほお cheek 硬い かたい stiff 虚空 こくう empty space; the sky p38 Chapter 3 輪郭 りんかく an outline くっきり くっきり clearly 不吉 ふきち unlucky 単調 たんちょう monotony 滑らか なめらか smooth かがめる かがめる to bend 効率 こうりつ efficiency 渇く かわく to be thirsty 経過 けいか to progress / pass 圧縮 あっしゅく compression; compressed 休憩 きゅうけい rest; break 身支度 みじたく dressing or outfitting oneself 尖る とがる to be sharp 馴染む なじむ to become familiar 横縞 よこじま horizontal stripes 嗄れる しゃがれる to become hoarse 咀嚼 そしゃく bite 微笑 びしょう a smile ひょいひょい ひょいひょい from time to time 頬杖 ほおづえ rest your cheek in your hand 顰める しかめる to frown 熟れる うれる to ripen; to mature 水門 すいもん floodgate; sluice 襟 えり collar 生地 せいち birthplace 乳房 にゅうぼう breast; nipple; udder うねり うねり wave motion p49 Chapter 4 開業 かいぎょう to open/start a business 簡潔 かんけつ concise, brief 率直 そっちょく frankly 嘱託 しょくたく part-time employee 神経 しんけい a nerve 麻痺 まひ paralysis 清浄 せいじょう purify 陥れる おとしいれる to trap; entrap 脈拍 みゃくはく a pulse 下痢 げり diarrhea 伝染 でんせん infection 清々しい すがすがしい refreshing, fresh 瞳孔 どうこう the pupil 探照灯 たんしょうとう searchlight くねる くねる to be twisted, to twist よろよろ よろよろ tottering, unsteady 訴える うったえる to sue, take action 懐中 かいちゅう one's pocket 怯える おびえる to be afraid 疎開 そかい evacuate 色白 いろじろ to be fair-skinned 病状 びょうじょう disease / sickness 遭遇 そうぐう to meet with, to encounter 痕跡 こんせき traces, marks 当局 とうきょく the authorities 流言飛語 りゅうげんひご baseless rumor 戦局 せんきょく war situation 撤退 てったい withdrawal, retreat 玉砕 ぎょくさい honorable death 厭戦 えんせん war-weariness p64 ch5 反復 はんぷく to repeat 因縁 いんねん fate; destiny 香ばしい こうばしい fragrant 伝記 でんき biography 司書 ししょ librarian 書庫 しょこ library 改築 かいちく to rebuild; reconstruct 蔵書 ぞうしょ one's library 優雅 ゆうが elegant 閲覧 えつらん inspection 運行 うんこう (train) service 繁華 はんか bustling, prosperous 倉庫 そうこ warehouse 塀 へい a wall 清楚 せいそ clean, neat 書架 しょか bookshelf 梁 はり a beam 俳人 はいじん haiku poet 郷土 きょうど one's native birth place; one's old home 架空 かくう fictional; fictitious 葡萄 ぶどう a grape 拒否 きょひ refusal 穏やか おだやか calm; quiet 素材 そざい material 素封家 そほうか a wealthy person 地方 ちほう a district; province 輩出 はいしゅつ appear one after another; turning out in great numbers 形成 けいせい formation 変遷 へんせん change; transition 随想 ずいそう essays; occasional thoughts 回想 かいそう reminiscence; look back on 文献 ぶんけん literature; books (reference) 造詣 ぞうけい deep knowledge; attainments; scholarship 鑑識 かんしき judgment, discernment, discrimination 血筋 ちすじ descent; lineage 処遇 しょぐう treatment, dealing with 眼鏡 めがね glasses 廃棄 はいき abolish; do away with ほら吹き ほらふき a braggart 相槌 あいづち alternate hammering; chiming in with; chatter 建造 けんぞう construction; build 数寄屋 すきや tea ceremony arbour 繊細 せんさい a delicacy 枠組み わくぐみ framework 趣向 しゅこう a plan; an idea 欄間 らんま screen above room partitions 流麗 りゅうれい pleasant flow 黒檀 こくたん ebony 艶 つや glass 磨き込む みがきこむ polishing powder 励ます はげます to cheer up; encourage 軋む きしむ to squeak 板張り いたばり boarding; wooden floor 短歌 たんか tanka poem 自発的 じはつてき self decided 詠む よむ to compose a tanka 耽る ふける to be absorbed in 姿勢 しせい posture 金貸し かねかし moneylender 典型 てんけい a model; type; pattern; typical 見え透く みえすく to be transparent 淡々 たんたん disinterested; indifferent 狭い せまい narrow 愛想 あいそう affability 馴染む なじむ make friends; become familiar 脅かす おびやかす to menace; threaten 戸惑う とまどう to be at a loss 愉快 ゆかい pleasant; good 些か いささか a little; a bit 習慣性 しゅうかんせい customary; habitual 警戒 けいかい cautious p103 秀才 しゅうさい smart person 逸れる はぐれる to go astray; go off topic 墓 はか a grave 治まる おさまる to be at peace; to clamp down; to lessen (storm, terror, anger) p109 ch7 交渉 こうしょう negotiations 規定 きてい regulation 途方に暮れる とほうにくれる to be at a loss てきぱき てきぱき fast; quickly; one after another 控える ひかえる to make notes 出鱈目 でたらめ nonsense; false 強張る こわばる to stiffen 透明人間 とうめいにんげん invisible man 錯覚 さっかく an illusion 解す ほぐす to unfasten; unbind 輪郭 りんかく an outline 噴く ふく to spout 補給 ほきゅう to supply; replenish 齧る かじる to gnaw; to bite 塵 ちり dust あくせく あくせく busily; hard 無稽 むけい nonsensical 比喩 ひゆ metaphor 寓話 ぐうわ a fable 傾ける かたむける to tilt 負荷 ふか burden; load 求心 きゅうしん centripetal 簡素 かんそ simplicity 峻別 しゅんべつ discriminate strictly 流暢 りゅうちょう fluency 急遽 きゅうきょ in a hurry 従事 じゅうじ engaging; pursuing; following 機密 きみつ secret 保持 ほじ to keep 要請 ようせい a request 推測 すいそく to guess 猶予 ゆうよ postponement 汲々 きゅうきゅう to be eager to do 排斥 はいせき explosion; drive out 倦怠感 けんたいかん washed-out feeling p129 貯蔵 ちょぞう to store; stockpile 断言 だんげん to declare 辺鄙 へんぴ remote place 及ぼす およぼす to exert; to cause; to exercise 拡散 かくさん diffuse; diffusion 仮定 かてい assume; suppose 粘膜 ねんまく mucous membrane 催眠 さいみん hypnotism 眼球 がんきゅう eyeball 心拍 しんぱく heart rate 緊密 きんみつ closeness; intamacy 昏倒 こんとう a swoon; to swoon 仮説 かせつ a hypothesis 示唆 しさ a suggestion 賛意 さんい approval 希有 けう rare, uncommon 兆候 ちょうこう a symptom; sign 裁量権 さいりょうけん discretion 点滴 てんてき an IV drip 排尿 はいにょう urination 土着 どちゃく aboriginal; native p138 根付け ねつけ an ornamental button for suspending a pouch 立証 りっしょう proof 催眠 さいみん sleeping 覚醒 かくせい awakening 採血 さいけつ to draw blood 茂み しげみ a thicket; a bush 灌木 かんぼく a shrub; a bush 覆う おおう to cover 破片 はへん a broken piece 丹念 たんねん carefully 鈍い にぶい dull 担ぐ かつぐ to shoulder 軋む きしむ to squeak p155 牧場 ぼくじょう a stock farm; a ranch 奇妙 きみょう strange; queer 縛る しばる to bind; tie 皆目 かいもく entirely, at all 不明瞭 ふめいりょう not clear; obscure; indistinct 摩る さする to pat; to pet 不調法 ふちょうほう impolite 旗竿 はだざお flagstaff 詰問 きつもん cross examination 容赦 ようしゃ pardon 迅速 じんそく quickness 沈思 ちんし meditation; contemplation 黙考 もっこう meditation 出没 しゅつぼつ appear and disappear 巧妙 こうみょう skillful; clever 惨い むごい cruel; brutal 除外 じょがい exception 日向 ひなた in the sun 牧歌的 ぼっかてき pastoral 縦長い たてながい length (long) 領域 りょういき sphere 深淵 しんえん an abyss; a gulf 混沌 こんとん chaos p176 ch11 Back at Sakura's apartment, Kafka finished telling the story about what happened to him. 頬杖 ほおづえ to rest one's cheeks in one's hands 傾ける かたむける to tilt 呻く うめく to grow 重宝 ちょうほう to be convenient; useful 養女 ようじょ adopted daughter 脇 わき side of (mouth, etc.) 淡い あわい light; pale 古風 こふう old fashioned 頬 ほお cheek 睾丸 こうがん testicles p193 高ぶる たかぶる to get excited 沸かす わかす to boil 鉛筆 えんぴつ a pencil 根拠 こんきょ grounds; a basis; foundation 拝察 はいさつ a guess 敬服 けいふく admiration 著作 ちょさく a literary work 拝読 はいどく to read (humble) 洞察 どうさつ insight 見識 けんしき discernment; opinion 感服 かんぷく admiration 依願 いがん request 主宰 しゅさい to preside over 光陰 こういん time p201 The teacher who was with the kids when the plane went by up in the mounts and knocked the kids out continues her story in her letter. After the incident she continued teaching, but never got married or had kids herself. 顧みる かえりみる look back on the past 頼り たより a letter or news 昏睡 こんすい a lethargic sleep 遭遇 そうぐう to meet; come across 覆い おおい to cover; a shade 修得 しゅうとく a lesson learned 忘却 ぼうきゃく oblivion 忌憚 きたん reserve (忌憚のない:frank) 経緯 けいい details 体裁 たいさい appearance 究明 きゅうめい inquiry; study 困難 こんなん difficulty; trouble 斟酌 しんしゃく consideration 出征 しゅっせい go to the (war) front 自慰 じい self-consolation (masturbation) 鎮める しずめる to suppress 余韻 よいん echoes; aftertaste 月経 げっけい period (female) 筋道 すじみち logic; reason 青銅 せいどう bronze 色彩 しきさい color p210 The teacher actually had an erotic dream of her husband who was sent to the war front from the mountain. She took the kids there and felt his sexual presence. Her period unexpectedly started - Nakata found the handkerchief with her blood on it and slapped him silly with it (from shame of being found.) 唐突 とうとつ suddenness 露な あらわな open; unconcealed; public 建前 たてまえ procedures in a tea ceremony 省く はぶく to omit 支障 ししょう a hinderance 懸念 けねん fear; anxiety 経緯 けいい details 推察 すいさつ guess 疎開 そかい evacuation 穏やか おだやか calm; gentle 諦観 ていかん resignation; to be resigned to 挑む いどむ to challenge; to defy 試行錯誤 しこうさくご trial and error 手際 てぎわ skill; skillfully 起因 きいん cause; due to 絶え間なく たえまなく all the time; constantly 発露 はつろ a manifestation; an expression 覆う おおう to cover 再三 さいさん repeatedly; over and over 農民 のうみん farmer 損なう そこなう to miss; fail p218 ch13 Nakata as a kid was very smart, but closed off. Also, the teacher knew her husband would die after her dream and violent incident at the mountain. 勧める すすめる to offer (but usually suggest) 読破 どくは read through 朧げ おぼろげ vagueness; dimness 粗い あらい coarse 漠然 ばくぜん vague; not clear 坑夫 こうふ a minor 教訓 きょうくん a lesson 教養 きょうよう culture; education 枷 かせ shackles 文章 ぶんしょう a sentence (duh!) 幌 ほろ a hood (car); convertible rooftop 血友病 けつゆうびょう hemophilia 凝固 ぎょうこ solidify; congeal 骨董 こっとう an antique 凝る こる to get stiff (shoulders) 稠密 ちゅうみつ density 喚起 かんき arouse; rouse 紡ぎ つむぎ spinning? (紡ぎ歌 a spinning song) Kafka goes back to the library and tells Ooshima that he does not have a place to stay. Ooshima says that he might be able to get him a job as his assistant, and then he can stay at the library. It will take about 2-4 days so first he drives him out to a place that is secluded where he can stay. The listen to Shubert's long Piano Sonata because it is so incomplete / imperfect. Ooshima has hemophilia. 標識 ひょうしき a sign 崖 がけ a cliff 渓流 けいりゅう a mountain torrent 舗装 ほそう pavement 金網 かなあみ wire screen 金属 きんぞく metal; metallic 静寂 せいじゃく silence 擦る こする to rub 桶 おけ tub; pail 薪 まき firewood 疾患 しっかん a disease 汲む くむ to scoop up p255 Ooshima took him to a place, a small cabin in the forest up in the mountains. There isn't any electricity there. Ooshima drives a sports car, fast, almost dangerously. He also pretty much skipped high school because of his disease. He stayed at the cabin to face his hemophilia and find himself. 唐突 とうとつ suddenly のっそり のっそり slowly; stolidly 鋼 はがね steel 尖る とがる to be sharp 獰猛 どうもう fierce 鋭利 えいり sharpness 凝視 ぎょうし steady gaze 淀む よどむ to stagnate; settle 架空 かくう fictional 睾丸 こうがん a testicle 見捨てる みすてる stare at 威圧 いあつ overpowering; overawe 門扉 もんぴ a door (gate with) 輪郭 りんかく an outline 彫像 ちょうぞう a statue; a sculpture 知事 ちじ governor 裾 すそ the hem 股引 ももひき long underwear 醜い みにくい ugly 嗜む たしなむ to like; be fond of 拝借 はいしゃく to borrow 傾げる かしげる to turn a little 簡潔 かんけつ brevity; conciseness; simplicity 反証 はんしょう counter-evidence p271 ch15 Nakata meets Johnny Walker - the real one. Red label I think. He has been searching for someone like Nakata, and played a game to test his hypothesis about Nakata. Back with Tamura Kafka in the woods, alone at night. The next morning he reads about the designer of the German WWII gas chambers from the Nurnberg trials. 跳ね上がる はねあがる to leap up 潜る くぐる go through; creep through 支配 しはい to rule 枝 えだ a branch 擦れる すれる to rub 包囲 ほうい to be surrounded 渇く かわく to be thirsty 縮む ちぢむ to shrink 嘲り あざけり scorn; ridicule なぞる なぞる to trace; to follow 裁判 さいばん a trial 幹部 かんぶ executive; leader 溶かす とかす to melt 尖る とがる to be sharp 裁判 さいばん a trial Wandered into the forest, the path he took seemed to disappear when he tried to go back, but he made it. 非難 ひなん to blame 追及 ついきゅう gaining on; carrying out; solving (crime) 否応もなしに いやおうもなしに whether one likes it or not; compulsorily; by force 中佐 ちゅうさ lieutenant colonel, commander (navy) 汲む くむ to scoop out (water) 納屋 なや a barn 薪 まき firewood 辿る たどる to trace; follow 地形 ちけい topography 整地 せいち leveled ground 勾配 こうばい slope 羊歯 しだ a fern 繁る しげる grow thick (see 茂る) 苔 こけ moss 励ます はげます to cheer up; encourage 粟立つ あわだつ to have goosebumps 言い聞かせる いいきかせる to tell; to persuade 獲物 えもの a game; a catch; a prize 樹木 じゅもく trees 独房 どくぼう solitary cell Back in the forest, Tamura is worried about his dreams. He is afraid of what he will do in his dreams, raping his mom and sister, and there was a strange internal bold-faced monologue. 囚人 しゅうじん a prisoner 鏤める ちりばめる set; inlaid with 動悸 どうき palpation 煙突 えんとつ a chimney 薬缶 やかん a kettle 沸騰 ふっとう a boil 司令 しれい a command 淡々 たんたん disinterested; cool 法廷 ぼうてい a court of law 細部 さいぶ details 緊張 きんちょう tension; nervousness 小径 こみち small path 鉈 なた a hatchet 覆う おおう to cover 仄めかす ほのめかす to hint 執拗 しつよう stubborn 慈悲 じひ mercy 統御 とうぎょ control p292 ch16 Johnny Walker uses cat spirits to make a flute, to call for bigger spirits and repeats. Eventually at the end he will call the spirit of the Universe. 無機 むき inorganic 背丈 せたけ height 屈む かがむ to stoop 凝る こる to get stiff 空虚 くうきょ empty; hollow 苦悶 くもん anguish; agony 抑揚 よくよう intonation; accent; modulation; inflection 鍔 つば a hat brim 暇人 ひまじん a man of leisure 笛 ふえ a flute; a pipe 発露 はつろ a manifestation 横笛 よこぶえ a flute 使命 しめい a mission 刈り入れ かりいれ a harvest 潮時 しおどき a chance 利益 りえき a profit 五体健全 ごたいけんぜん whole body safe and sound 些か いささか a little bit Johnny Walker asks Nakata to kill him. Nakata doesn't know how, so Johnny Walker kills a cat in front of him. If Nakata helps, he will return the goma-cat that Nakata has been searching for all this time. 斟酌 しんしゃく consideration ズドン ズドン bang! 骨子 こっし the gist 理不尽 りふじん unreasonableness 呵責 かしゃく torture; maltreatment; pangs (of conscience) 善行 ぜんこう good conduct 生え際 はえぎわ the hairline 一理 いちり some truth 躊躇 ちゅうちょ hesitation 偏見 へんけん a wrong idea 断行 だんこう a decisive action もぎる もぎる to pluck off; snatch 麻痺 まひ paralysis 麻酔 ますい anesthesia 弛緩 しかん relaxed; slack 割く さく to cut 始末 しまつ to manage; put in order 丸鋸 まるのこ circular saw メス メス a scalpel 鮮やか あざやか vividness; brightness 点検 てんけん an inspection 所定 しょてい fixed 疎か おろそか negligent 肝要 かんよう important 縦 たて length 痺れる しびれる to become numb 手際 てぎわ skill 放り込む ほうりこむ to throw into 咀嚼 そしゃく to bite 血糊 ちのり slimy blood 切断 せつだん cut; amputate 飲み込む のみこむ to swallow 造作 ぞうさく features (for a face) 抜け殻 ぬけから cast-off skin Johnny walker is not allowed to change clothes for cat killing. His iconic appearance has been decided for him. 架空 かくう fictional; fictitious 痙攣 けいれん convulsions 抱え込む かかえこむ to hold 顳顬 こめかみ the temple; forehead 組成 そせい formation 視野 しや field of vision 前座 ぜんざ opening act 趣向 しゅこう a plan; an idea 愛撫 あいぶ a caress 躊躇 ちゅうちょ hesitation きっぱり きっぱり clearly 病み付き やみつき an addiction 粘る ねばる to be sticky 挽く ひく to saw; grind 掻く かく to scratch 鞘 さや a scabbard 偏見 へんけん the wrong idea 断固 だんこ firm; firmly 苦悶 くもん agony; anguish 空虚 くうきょ empty; hollow 通俗 つうぞく popular 難物 なんぶつ a hard problem 逸品 いっぴん a superb article 気品 きひん grace; elegance 嗚咽 おえつ sobbing 紛れもなく まぎれもなく without a doubt 淡い あわい light; pale (faint) p318 ch17 Nakata killed Johnny Walker after J.W. killed many cats, two that he knew. 曇る くもる to be cloudy 放つ はなつ to set free; to shoot 岩 いわ a rock (bigger than 石) 囀る さえずる to sing (a bird) せせらぎ せせらぎ a little stream 埋め合わせ うめあわせ to make amends 日溜まり ひだまり a sunny place 戦ぐ そよぐ rustle 重力 じゅうりょく gravity 束の間 つかのま a short time 民俗学 みんぞくがく folklore 微睡む まどろむ to doze off 無防備 むぼうび defenseless 雑巾 ぞうきん a duster; a floor cloth 架空 かくう fictional p323 Back with Tamura Kafka, he and Ooshima leave the wooden cabin after Ooshima shows up to find Tamura Kafka completely naked outside. (He says that he used to do that too.) 取り止める とりとめる to escape death 辿る たどる to trace; follow; pursue 幌 ほろ a hood (car) 威嚇 いかく a threat 背反 はいはん rebellion 未舗装 みほそう unpaved 懸命 けんめい eagerness; earnestness; risking one's life 欠陥 けっかん a defect 癇癪 かんしゃく a temper; fit of rage 没落 ぼつらく a fall (of gov't, etc.) 蔑む さげすむ to look down on 戯曲 ぎきょく a drama; a play 鮮明 せんめい clearness; definition 合唱 がっしょう a chorus 演繹 えんえき deduction 天秤 てんびん balance p328 洗練 せんれん polish up; polish 規則 きそく a rule; regulation 雑用 ざつよう odd job; miscellaneous duties 原理 げんり a principle p329 Ooshima tells him that things have been arranged so that he can work at the library as his assistant and live there. There is a small room there with a shower. On the way home he tells Saeki's story about her lover from when she was 14 years old. They had a great time together, but were separated when he went to Tokyo to go to college. She visited him there when she went to record a song. 消費 しょうひ consumption 金融 きんゆう finance 飾り かざり an ornament; a decoration 利発 りはつ cleverness 文章 ぶんしょう a sentence 万能 ばんのう almighty; all-around 遠縁 とおえん a distant relative 模索 もさく groping; to grope for 髭 ひげ beard 痕跡 こんせき traces; marks 磁器 じき porcelain; china 保守 ほしゅ conservative 試練 しれん a trial 潜る くぐる to go through; to creep through 詩 うた a poem 無垢 むく purify; pure; innocent 思索 しさく meditation; thought 凝縮 ぎょうしゅく condensation; to condense 早熟 そうじゅく precocious お伽 おとぎ fairy tale 転換 てんかん a conversion 寓話 ぐうわ a fable 尋常 じんじょう ordinary 因縁 いんねん fate; a destiny 封鎖 ふうさ a blockage 頭蓋骨 ずがいこつ skull 陥没 かんぼつ to cave-in 肋骨 ろっこつ a rib; a frame 破裂 はれつ to burst; tear 死骸 しがい dead body 要請 ようせい a request; inquisition 機動隊 きどうたい riot police 障害致死罪 しょうがいちしざい manslaughter 懲役 ちょうえき hard labor prison 宣告 せんこく a sentence 虚空 こくう the sky; empty space 印税 いんぜい royalties 裕福 ゆうふく rich p338 The song she recorded (the only one she ever recorded) became a hit. But now she does not like to touch that or any other part of her past. The song is "Kafka by the Sea". Her boyfriend's university was blockaded when they took part in some demonstrations. When her boyfriend tried to sneak in some food to his friends who were shut in, he was captured by students and mistakenly identified as a spy and killed during the "interrogation" process. Saeki disappeared and did not return for about 20 years. When she finally returned it was for her mother's funeral. She kept to herself, and Ooshima started to work for her at the library due to an introduction from his mother. Saeki likes Ooshima. 帰郷 ききょう to go home; return home 主宰 しゅさい to preside over 閑静 かんせい quietness 清楚 せいそ neatness 誘導 ゆうどう to conduct; lead 相槌 あいづち to chime in with 漠然 ばくぜん vague; not clear p340 血筋 ちすじ descent; lineage 母屋 おもや the main house 改築 かいちく rebuilding; reconstruction 幌 ほろ hood (of a car); convertible top 賢い かしこい wise; clever; smart p344 ch18 Nakata wakes up in a grassy field 驚喜 きょうき to be pleasantly surprised at 呆然 ぼうぜん amazement 雹 ひょう hail 黙示録 もくしろく Book of Revelations 背鰭 せびれ dorsal fin 鱗 うろこ scale (of a fish) p362 ch19 He returns the cat and confesses the murder of Johnny Walker to a local police man who ignores him. He says that it will rain fish tomorrow and it does. Then he leaves town. Tamura Kafka moves into the library. The room has a picture of a young (12) boy by the sea. Maybe it was drawn by Saeki's boyfriend? 単身者 たんしんしゃ alone; by oneself 調理 ちょうり cooking 備える そなえる prepared; furnished 樹木 じゅもく trees 傾く かたむく to slant; incline 装飾 そうしょく decorations ぼえづら ぼえづら a tearful face 雑巾 ぞうきん a duster 紺 こん dark blue 格子柄 こうしがら lace 竦める すくめる to duck 原則 げんそく a principle 看過 かんか to overlook; wink at; pass over 抗議 こうぎ to protest 革命 かくめい a revolution 傍点 ぼうてん a side dot 脇道 わきみち a side-road 逸れる それる to go astray p375 Two women come to the library to conduct a survey of public facilities for ease of use for women. They argue with Ooshima about the library and its setup (no separate rest rooms, the card index is separated by sex, etc.) 浅学 せんがく shallow knowledge 雄弁 ゆうべん eloquence 行使 こうし to exercise; use 空疎 くうそ empty 便宜 べんぎ convenience 維持 いじ maintenance 安直 あんちょく cheapness 剥奪 はくだつ to strip X off of (something) 既得権益 きとくけんえき benefits of vested rights 簡潔 かんけつ brevity; conciseness; simplicity 戸籍 こせき one's census registration 紛れもない まぎれもない unmistakable 嗜好 しこう a taste; a preference; to like 強張る こわばる to stiffen 誇張 こちょう an exaggeration 模索 もさく groping 手がかり てがかり a hand hold 深淵 しんえん an abyss 虚ろ うつろ a hollow; a cave p384 Nakata is hitch hiking. He talks with a truck driver about capitalists and proletariats. The driver treats him to unagi at a truck stop. He goes outside and finds a gang of bikers beating up on another biker kid that looks like them. 藁靴 わたぐつ straw boots 塞ぐ ふさぐ close; block up 旗 はた a flag 掲げる かかげる to fly (a flag) 顳顬 こめかみ the temple (of the forehead) 簒奪 さんだつ someone who usurps one's position p387 ch20 蝙蝠 こうもり a bat; an umbrella 固有 こゆう characteristic, tradition, peculiar, inherent, native, eigen-. 痴呆 ちほう dementia 途方に暮れる とほうにくれる to be at a loss 刈り込む かりこむ to cut; to dress; to prune; to trim; to clip 餞別 せんべつ a farewell gift 二重に にじゅうに doubly; at the same time 詐欺 さぎ a swindler 律儀 りちぎ honestly 皆目 かいもく entirely; at all 資本家 しほんか capitalist 走狗 そうく to be used as another's hand (one's dog, do-it-boy) 涙金 なみだきん consolation money 素手 そで empty-handed 開ける はだける to be open; bare 墨 すみ tattoo 識別 しきべつ discrimination 獲物 えもの game; a catch 艶 つや glossy 合図 あいず a signal 誘導 ゆうどう conduct; lead 馬陸 やすで millipede 蛭 ひる leech p413 ch21 Nakata confronts the bikers and leeches rains down on them. Then he finds a truck driver that will take him to Kobe after he tells the people in the cafe to call the police about the hurt boy. 彫刻家 ちょうこくか a sculptor 田村浩一 たむらこういち person name 他殺 たさつ murder 肋骨 ろっこつ ribs 模様 もよう pattern; model 怨恨 えんこん a grudge 目下 めした one's inferiors; juniors 潜在意識 せんざいいしき subconscious 既成 きせい existing; established 迷宮 めいきゅう impossible to solve; mystery 奔放 ほんぼう wildness 苛立つ いらだつ to irritate; grow impatient 穏やか おだやか calm; quiet 軌道 きどう a rail (railroad) p423 The chapter starts with a report of sculptor Tamura Kouichi's death (Kafka's father) in Nakano. He worked in particular on "the subconscious". Kafka thinks he might have killed his dad since his shirt was bloody when he lost consciousness at that time. He also saw an article on the fish falling in Nakano, and decided to hide from the police, who are searching for family and clues about the murder. 落下 らっか to fall 盗難 とうなん theft; robbery 気象庁 きしょうちょう Meteorological Agency 農村水産省 のうさんすいさんしょう Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 局地 きょくち local area 衝突 しょうとつ a crash 大群 たいぐん a large crowd 心当たり こころあたり knowledge 鑿 のみ a chisel 刻み込む きざみこむ to carve; chisel 測る はかる to measure 空洞 くうどう a cave; a hollow 時限装置 じげんそうち a timing device 検証 けんしょう verify; inspect 損なう そこなう to miss; fail; harm 彫刻 ちょうこく a sculpture 阿る おもねる to flatter 源泉 げんせん the source 省く はぶく to omit 回路 かいろ a circuit 梳く すく to comb (hair) p435 ch22 Kafka tells Ooshima about the prophesy that his father told him: "One day you will kill me with your own hands and have sex with your mother". Also, he will have sex with his sister. Kafka told Ooshima about his father's Oedipal prophecy. He also had a DNA check and his father made sure he knew he was his son. His father was cruel to people around him, and wanted to hurt his wife and daughter with Kafka. Kafka tells Ooshima about the blood that was on his shirt after he lost consciousness and that he thinks that he killed his father. That night he sees a ghost. 積荷 つみに cargo; freight 搬入 はんにゅう carry in 仮眠 かみん a nap 鼾 いびき a snore 断片 だんぺん a fragment ひっきりなし ひっきりなし continuously; incessantly 大股 おおまた long strides 燃料 ねんりょう fuel 補給 ほきゅう to resupply 燃料を補給する ねんりょうをほきゅうする to refuel 昨今 さっこん lately; recently 復唱 ふくしょう recite; repeat 姪 めい niece 甥 おい nephew かすかす かすかす dry (in this context) 潮干狩り しおひがり clamming 抽象的 ちゅうしょうてき abstract 減退 げんたい to decline 山羊 やぎ a goat; a kid 没頭 ぼっとう to be absorbed in p448 Nakata arrives in Kobe and tells the driver his story. He says that he has to cross a big bridge (into Shikoku.) The driver treats him to breakfast, and he waits in a park while the driver unloads his cargo. When the driver returns he says that he will take Nakata into Shikoku since he's never been there before and could do with a short vacation anyway. They are taking a bus apparently. Also, we get a brief history of Nakata: One day the kids teased him pretty badly and punctured an ear, after which he was sent to the country with his relatives. He went to a vocational school for farmers, and afterwards was apprenticed at a woodworking furniture place, where he worked for about 30 years. He entrusted his money to a cousin at the post office, who fell into a big debt and ran off with his money and his retirement money. The woodworking place shut down and was sold off, so he had no job. He went to his brother's place in Nakano who set him up with an apartment and he lived happily in the way that we had known until Johnny Walker showed up. Back in the library, Kafka sees the ghost of a woman in his room. She is very beautiful, and he hopes for her to come back. 遺跡 いせき ruins 滑らか なめらか smooth 精度 せいど accuracy; precision 静止 せいし stillness 敬意 けいい respect 譜面 ふめん a score (for music) 醸す かもす to brew; to bring about; to cause 胞子 ほうし spore p470 Kafka asks Ooshima if he has the "Kafka by the Sea" song, but it is only available on record. They look in an old storage shed, and find lots of old stuff, as well as a record player and amp with speakers. There are also some old beatles and other records of the same period. Ooshima's mother had a copy (5 actually, she's a pack-rat) of the record. Kafka confirms that the 15 year old ghost that he saw the other night was Saeki-san based on the picture of the 19-year old Saeki-san from the cover of the record. He feels like he is falling in love with the 15-year old version of Saeki-san. 旋律 せんりつ a melody 在り来り ありきたり conventional 伴奏 ばんそう accompaniment (musical) 小編 しょうへん a short piece 素朴 そぼく simplicity 斬新 ざんしん novelty 和音 わおん a chord 調和 ちょうわ harmony 余韻 よいん echoes; aftertaste 無欲 むよく disinterest Kafka also asks Ooshima if it is possible for people that are still alive to become ghosts. Ooshima gives examples of two cases from Japanese literary works (Genji monogatari among them) where people become ghosts while still living, but the motivating feelings for the "ghost" are always bad feelings, not love. Kafka also listens to the song "Kafka by the Sea" a few times and analyzes why it was popular. 率直 そっちょく frankness 不条理 ふじょうり irrationality 波打ち際 なみうちぎわ the beach; where the waves meet the shore 暗示 あんじ suggestion 符合 ふごう coincidence p486 end of book 1 The lines of the song parallel points in Kafka's life. He also thinks that the song is about the young boy in the painting in the room: in fact, he thinks that Saeki-san wrote the song while sitting in the room in which he is staying. Two lines that strongly resonate with him are the one about fish falling from the sky, and the one about a shadow becoming a knife and killing one's dreams. He thinks that is a parallel with him killing his father in a dream somehow. He worries about three other lines that he can not interpret. He leaves the room and goes to get a modern translation of the Genji Monogatari, reads that for a while, then returns to his room to wait for the 15 year old Saeki-san ghost to return.